Page 64 of Tiger By the Tail
Kat held onto my neck, pulling my lips on hers once more. Quickly adjusting the temperature, I ran the bath for her and she leaned back, looking so utterly peaceful and relaxedthat I just stood there and stared for a minute or two. With a lazy smile, she raised her eyes to me.
“You gonna join me? Please? I promise I’ll be good,” she begged.
I swallowed.
As if you being naughty scares me.
God, I couldn’t with that cute smile of hers and stepped into the tub, lowering myself. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the whole concept of taking baths since it took ages for my fur to dry, but like every tiger on the planet, I loved being in the water.
“Is it okay if we cuddle for a bit,” she whispered, looking at me hopefully.
“Fuck, yes.”
She waited until I'd reclined then snuggled back against me, using my pec as a headrest.
“Okay, this is officially the best thing ever.”
“What is?” I asked, my brain fishing for things she might have enjoyed. The orgasms, surely. If she felt anything like me, she was fucking soaring.
“Taking a bath with a giant cat.”
I snorted at the dopey grin she shot me over her shoulder. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her even closer, sliding the wet fur over her skin and enjoying the goosebumps erupting all over her arms in spite of the warm bath water. We were quiet for a long time and for once my brain was silent. There was no nasty inner monologue calling me a useless idiot, and my mind wasn't going its usual hundred miles an hour.So that's what it takes to shut you up, I told my monkey mind. Monkeys were, after all, naught but prey for my tiger.
Kat relaxed in my embrace, limbs heavy, breathing evening out.
Fuck. Me.
I'd served her so well she'd fallen asleep on me. Not wanting to wake her, I allowed the purring that had been nagging in the back of my mind for minutes to start up, then carefully opened the tap with my foot to get us some more hot water.
She looked so peaceful, and felt wonderful, her full weight pressing down on me like a weighted blanket.
I should ask her to sleep on me at night, then I won’t need to invest in one of those to help with the nightmares.
Once the skin on Kat's fingers started to wrinkle, I carefully shifted into a more upright position.
“Baby?” Gently rubbing a hand up and down her spine, I tried to rouse her.
“Whatsup,” she slurred, her face burrowing in my fur to shield her from the overhead lights.
You're killing me, Kat.
My heart squeezed so hard in my chest that I gasped inaudibly. How was I supposed to survive her cuteness and all the feelings she woke in parts of me I'd long thought dead?
Shut up, I chastised my inner voice,I'm not talking about my cock.
“I think you fell asleep. Time to get out of here, okay?”
Lifting her easily off my chest, I helped her out of the tub and watched as she fished for a fluffy towel, bleary-eyed and confused. She quickly brushed her teeth, then hesitated visibly.
“I'm going to need a few minutes to get dry. Go to bed, yeh?” I noticed the tiniest lilt softening my words. That, too, hadn't happened in years. Abbie, who was American, had hated it when I let my Scottish side show.
“Can't you stop with that horrible accent? It makes you sound like a moron, Roy. People are not going to take you seriously as my partner if you talk like that.”
All through our relationship, she had tried to shape me into the fantasy boyfriend she'd wanted me to be. I’d been oblivious to how ridiculous it was that she had moved to Scotland of all places. Not wanting memories of Abbie to taint the moment, I pushed them firmly aside. Kat's face had fallen slightly at my words, surely not because of the barely audible Scots.
“Your bed? Mine is a little messy,” I clarified.
Wait, will she even want to sleep in one bed with me?