Page 7 of Tiger By the Tail
Heaving a deep sigh, I slid into the buttery-soft leather seat, finding a bit of myself again when the ignition startedwith its usual purr, not unlike that of my kind when we lay spent and sated, covered in sweat and cum next to our lovers in bed.
Unwillingly, my thoughts strayed to Kat, as they’d done a lot over the last week—way too often, but not annoyingly so. She’d made a space for herself in my brain, like a kitten in a basket of freshly laundered clothes. Exactly where they weren’t supposed to be but they looked so peaceful, and fit so perfectly in their little nest, that you didn’t have the heart to shoo them away.
I didn’t want her to leave her cosy spot in my amygdala. Her presence calmed me. I was damned if I knew why. We’d spent an hour together. One hour, one shared plate of desserts, a cup of coffee each. That was it.
Our meeting would bring the tally up to two, maybe three hours depending on how long she stuck around.
But giddy excitement rose in me when I drove past Beta’s company car park and pulled into one of the free spots in front of the loft we’d rented. The shoot wouldn’t start before eight, so I had a little over half an hour to grab some breakfast and answer some emails.
The Hut was fairly busy for a Wednesday morning, and it engulfed me in warm, coffee scented air with the mouthwatering aroma of their best treats.
I trained hard to keep in shape, so I didn’t feel bad about cutting myself the occasional slack. Letting the quiet chatter wash over me, I joined the short queue at the bar waiting to place my order.
“Good morning,” the young server with a pretty face and purple hair in a messy bun said with a smile. “What can I get you?”
I ordered my usual Americano, eggs Benedict with avo on toast, and two maple glazed donuts. Balancing my tray carefully, I walked over to a table by the window and sank into the comfy armchair, realising belatedly that it was the exact table Kat and I had occupied the previous week.
Squeezing my laptop between my cup and plates was a little difficult, but I managed without spilling anything. I had a few emails from suppliers waiting for me to get back to them, one forwarded from Sadeeq about the new equipment for one of our gyms, the usual. Knocking them out first thing in the morning always gave me a sense of accomplishment, especially on days when I ran on low.
The tinkle of the bell and a shift in the air had me looking up. It felt as if the whole room was suddenly filled with static, making all the tiny hairs on my body stand on end.
The woman pulled her blood red cashmere beanie off and proceeded to shake out a long mane of hair so dark it looked almost black in the soft glow of the lamp over her head. It illuminated her as if she stood in a spotlight.
“Kat,” I called before I could stop myself, not even entirely sure it was her but a part of me, the primal part of my brain,knew. She turned and God, she was just as gorgeous as I remembered.
Her soft smile felt like a caress on my face, intensifying as she came over to where I sat. “You’re in my spot,” she said brightly.
“Yeah, sorry, I—” I began stupidly, but her warm laughter stopped my rambling.
“I’m kidding, I’ll just take another table. It’s good to see you, how are you?”
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too. Why don’t you join me? I have a couple of minutes before I need to get going.”
Keep it cool, idiot. She’ll see you later, no need to spoil her morning.
But Kat had already slung her bag up over her head and was stripping her coat, draping both over the armchair opposite of his. “Be right back.” She winked and turned to the bar, leaving me to stare after her.
Oh, bloody hell.
She wore tight black jeans and an artfully oversized emerald green sweater. Both accentuated her curvy body perfectly.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you from working,” Kat said as she returned and saw me stowing away my HagBook to make room for her breakfast.
“No, it’s fine, I’d take your company over answering emails any day.”
“Gee, thanks.” When I looked up at her, she had an eyebrow cocked, her red lips pursed in a smirk that would have turned every man into a sinner.
“Sorry, I didn’t—” I said hurriedly to pacify her, but Kat only chuckled.
“Gotcha, not a big fan of emails myself.” With yet another wink, she sat her tray down and sank into the sagging armchair.
“How was your week? Busy?”
For a moment, my eyes hung on the neckline of her sweater sliding down her shoulder and exposing a lacy black bra strap.
Crap, she asked you a question!
“Uh, it’s been nice, thanks.”Nice? Seriously?“We’ve been pretty busy with the new release. We’re doing something no one has ever done, making clothes specifically for sea creatures. They got swimwear of course, but we wanted to have real stuff for them. I mean, it was frustrating before we made APEX. If you wanted workout clothes, you had to either cut a hole in your shorts, or let your tail–and half your ass–hang out. It sucked, so we started designing our own, and it sort of evolved from there.”