Page 84 of Tiger By the Tail
My whole body was sweaty and I was dripping cum—there was no way I wasn’t going to shower before I got dressed. Leaving Roy in my room, I made my way downstairs, hoping I wouldn’t run into one of my sisters or mum on my way to the bathroom.
Once I’d stripped my clothes, I inspected my skin. I was glowing. The bruise on my shoulder was pretty big and dark red and blue. Part of me wanted to get it tattooed there, so that I could look at it whenever I wanted. It was a token of Roy’s feelings for me, or at least that’s what I hoped.
One more day and a couple hours in the car before we had enough peace and quiet to talk about us, and be asloud as we wanted when we would celebrate or commiserate together. It would either mark the beginning or end of something beautiful.
Since it was our last day together, we spent it with Ava, Isla, and my mum. A picnic basket and blankets in tow, we made our way across the road and settled on the beach. Half of Brighton and an even bigger part of London was out and about, too.
People bathed in the calm sea and walked along the shore alone, in pairs, in small groups, the waves playing at their feet, or basked in the bright sun like we did.
Roy fell asleep in the sun for a good hour while we played card games, like we had done when we were kids. I still loved it, loved the women I called my family. And, I was done kidding myself, I loved the man sleeping next to me. I loved how he’d buried his face in his arms, his slightly purring breaths and the way my knee brushed his smooth side when he moved in his sleep from time to time.
My mum and sisters decided to go for a dip, but I stayed behind and stretched out beside Roy.
“Morning,” he mumbled, throwing an arm over my stomach and pulling me close.
“It’s almost lunchtime, sleepyhead.”
“And you even brought me my favourite snack.” Nuzzling his face into my hair he grumbled and playfully nipped my ear. I shuddered as goosebumps erupted on every square inch of my skin. Raising himself up on his elbow, Roy looked down at me, his fingers gently brushing up and down my waist. The soft smile made my heart stutter to a halt in my chest for a tiny moment in time before he brought his lips close to mine.
“This is the best weekend of my life.”
Fur-covered lips captured mine in an excruciatingly slow and tender kiss. A needy moan echoed between us when his tongue ran over the seam of my mouth to get me to open for him. My body answered before my dazed brain had time to catch up, inviting him into my mouth as I’d invited him into my life, without much thinking but knowing in my heart of hearts that it was exactly what we both needed.
I slung my arms around his neck, wanting him to keep kissing me like that, because when he did, everything was right. I had no doubts about our intentions. Roy’s kisses were a silent worship of me, of us, of our connection.
Aeons had passed by the time he brought the kiss to an end, retreating only a few inches and staring into my eyes.
“I,” he started to speak, looking and sounding intoxicated, even though I knew he’d only drunk water and coffee since getting up. “L–”
“Hey folks, we’re starving, let’s go grab some lunch,” Ava’s voice interrupted whatever he’d been about to say.
“Okay.” Clearing his throat, he sat up, the smile he gave my sisters slightly strained.
We slowly got dressed, packed our stuff, and took that home before heading back into town to one of the best sushi restaurants in Brighton. Kitsune was already packed with people but we managed to grab the last table in their little walled courtyard decorated like a Japanese tea room.
It was a lovely last lunch together. We joked and laughed, but the air between Roy and me felt strangely stuffy. I loved my sisters, but I could have kicked Ava for interrupting our moment.
“How about we go for a last walk on the beach before we need to leave for the airport?” Isla suggested when we’d emptied our tiny glasses of sake courtesy of the house.
“Great idea.” Roy smiled over at her. He’d taken to Isla, I could tell. Somehow the fact that he liked my family so much made him even hotter in my eyes.
Strolling back down to the seaside, we took our shoes off and joined the other beachgoers. Deep in thought and eyes focused on the water lapping at my feet, I didn’t realise at first that I hadn’t kept pace with my mum and the girls. They were about twenty feet ahead of me, Ava occasionally spraying the others with droplets of sea water.
Roy was still by my side, though. He’d fallen into step next to me and was strolling down the beach at a leisurely pace. His eyes bored into mine with an intensity I’d only seen in the bedroom. Without missing a step, he threw an arm around my shoulders and pulled my lips on his.
This kiss felt different, but I couldn’t have put a finger on what had changed if I tried. It wasn’t a playful kiss like the ones he gave me when we made out; it was calm as the sea, controlled and without the usual burning heat that lit me on fire for him. It felt like stepping outside on the first warm day of spring and feeling the powerful beams of sunlight warming you through layers of clothes and right down to the bone marrow.
That kiss meant something; it meant everything. It was loaded with meaning, as if Roy was speaking in a language I didn’t understand, but my subconscious mind got the gist anyway. I had to tell him as soon as I got home. He had tripped me and I had fallen, with open arms and that whooping in my stomach you got when the plane stopped for a moment before it took off.
The world came back into focus once his lips left mine, our eyes blinking open slowly to let reality back into our little bubble of bliss.
He kept our foreheads together, brushing his dry, slightly textured nose over mine a few times before we walked on arm in arm.
We walked all the way to Hove, the little town bordering Brighton to the west, and back.