Page 17 of Don't Look Down
My fingers rapidly type out another two messages.
Skysthelimit: Kidding!
Skysthelimit: But seriously, I hope it’s a good one.
I wait a few seconds for a response, when I remember the app shows if a person is online or not. I swear I’m not bummed at all when I see his status shows that he’s offline.
But on the bright side, the clock tells me I only have about an hour left to go, and then I’m getting the fuck out of here. Just when I’m about to click into Instagram, my phone vibrates with a new notification.
It’s Landon.
Warmth fills my gut, the disappointment fading like a distant memory. What did Belinda put in these cookies?
Strong stuff, whatever it is.
LandonTheBull: Hey, sorry you’re having a shitty day.
Skysthelimit: Hey, you. What are you up to?
LandonTheBull: Just lounging around. I had dinner with mom earlier, so now I’m taking it easy. Work has been busy lately, and tomorrow will be more of the same.
Skysthelimit: Ahh! Relatable. It’s been a rough night tonight. And I’m antsy as hell.
LandonTheBull: Anything you want to talk about?
Skysthelimit: It’s just hard when patients aren’t aware of what’s going on or where they are and they’re fighting you, y’know? I just want to help, but this one patient is fighting us every step of the way.
LandonTheBull: I can’t relate professionally to what you’re feeling, but I’ve watched a family member go through a similar situation. Hopefully, it gets a little easier for your patient. I know it’s hard.
Skysthelimit: Thanks, boo.
Skysthelimit: …
LandonTheBull: …
Skysthelimit: Not to be insensitive considering our subject matter, but…
Skysthelimit: ??
LandonTheBull: LOL. Just say it, Sky.
Skysthelimit: This is a serious conversation. I’m trying not to make a dick joke. Don’t encourage me.
LandonTheBull: ?? do it already. It’ll make you feel better.
He gets me.
It’s so satisfying. My cheeks are hurting from the smile on my face.
Skysthelimit: Ok, ok, but only since you insisted.
Skysthelimit: ??
Skysthelimit: I like it hard ????
Ahh, instant relief. That was so difficult to contain.
LandonTheBull: ?? there it is