Page 25 of Don't Look Down
Movement in my peripheral vision draws my gaze. Leigh is walking to his stall, which is situated next to mine. The other guys are either fully or mostly dressed by this point. In a hurry to get out of here and enjoy some downtime before the rush tomorrow will bring.
I’m usually right next to them, however, I’m distracted. Leigh, on the other hand, is always a straggler. He takes the world’s longest, and hottest, showers and is usually the last to leave. He has zero sense of urgency. My gaze is drawn back to my phone when it vibrates again.
Skysthelimit: Oooh, a girl after my own heart.
Skysthelimit: How’s the not-girlfriend-girlfriend doing btw?
His nickname for Savannah makes me laugh. He knows all about our arrangement. Knows she’s not my girlfriend, but he refuses to call her anything else. It’s amusing just as much as it’s maddening.
LandonTheBull: She’s good.
Skysthelimit: Oh, cool. So verbose. Thanks for that. Good talk.
Leigh bumps my shoulder, drawing my attention, “Who’re you texting with such a big smile on your face? Sky or Savannah?”
“It’s Sky.” Answering Leigh reminds me of his request, and the fact I’ve spaced on responding to Sky’s original question. “You up for someCall of Dutytonight?”
A big smile immediately lights up his face, and his eyes scrunch up at the corners. His expression is briefly hidden while he pulls on his shirt. Theyesis written all over his face before the words even leave his mouth. “Hell yeah. I’m always down, but since you mentioned Sky, I’m even more down, and I’ll make sure to hop on. I have to make sure this dude is good enough to befriend my brother.”
Shaking my head at the mess of his statement, I drop my gaze back to my phone and send a quick message back to Sky.
LandonTheBull: Mind if my friend joins us tonight?
Skysthelimit: What? No, of course I don’t mind a threesome. Sounds like a party to me.
Laughter bursts from my mouth. Leigh tries to grab my phone to see what’s so funny, but I shove him away. “You’re such a child. You always do this shit. Are you sure you’re three years older than me? Jeez.”
He blows a kiss at me. “You love it.”
Skysthelimit: Kidding. Lmk when you’ll be on.
LandonTheBull: Will do.
“Okay, we’re all set. How soon can you get on?”
“Gimme about an hour.”
“Sounds good.” When he turns to walk out to his car, it hits me. “Luc?”
He glances back at me.
“I need to ask you for a favor.” There’s an audible hesitance in my voice.
“Don’t call me Spence or Spencer tonight. Just Landon.”
A deep furrow forms between his eyes, clearly broadcasting his confusion. “What? Why?”
“Sky doesn’t know I’m me. And, for now, I need to keep it that way.”
“Um, okay. Is he a hockey hater or something? I thought you said you and your new BFF bonded over deathmatch and hockey stats or something poetic like that.”
“Yeah, we did. I just… I can’t explain it. I didn’t tell him who I am, all those months ago, and it’s hard to come clean now. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to tell him, but I can’t spit it out. You know I’m a straight shooter. Not gonna lie, I’m nervous and a bit intimidated, for some reason. I’m going to tell him who I amsoon. Not tonight. But soon. I just have to figure out how to come clean.”
“Bro.” As I watch, his head tilts to the side and his eyebrows raise slightly. He’s appraising me with wide-eyed focus. Weighing my words. Seconds pass like hours. Finally, a smirk twists his lips.
Gimme a break.