Page 29 of Don't Look Down
The blaring sound of my alarm rudely drags me out of my sleep. The night went by way too fast. Savannah rolls away from me and pulls a pillow over her head with a groan while I reach over and shut off the alarm.
Last night was the first time I was able to see her in weeks. We’ve been back for a few days now after that brutal string of back-to-back away games. Needless to say, it’s been a while, and we didn’t get much rest.
Climbing out of bed, I make my way over to my dresser to grab some fresh clothes. Boxer briefs, athletic shorts, a t-shirt, and clean socks. I dress in the bathroom after I piss and brush my teeth. A shower is pointless since I’m getting ready to head to the Frenzy for our morning practice.
When I exit the bathroom, Savannah has shifted again, and her tired eyes catch mine. “Stay as long as you want.” A satisfied little smirk accompanies my offer. “I’m sure you can use the rest after last night.”
“Full of yourself this morning, are you?”
“You were full of me last night.”
“Don’t be cocky, Landon Spencer. It’s not cute,” she replies unconvincingly. She used my first name to show that serious Savannah is in the building. I still don’t believe her.
“Cock is definitely the reason why you need more rest.” I laugh and grab the cock in question.
“Ugh, shut up!” she laughs and launches a pillow at my head. “I hate you. Why do I even tolerate you?”
Of course I duck and she misses me by a mile.
“Again, the answer is-” I start, and she quickly interrupts.
“Don’t even fucking say it!” She’s giggling. She knows me too well. We’ve been friends far too long for my response to be anything other than predictable. She already knows I’m going to fucking say it.
I’m halfway out my bedroom door when I toss over my shoulder, “Cock. You only put up with me for my cock. It is a thing of beauty. It’s irresistible.”
Her screech of mock outrage and more laughter follows me down the hallway. I guess I shouldn’t have teased her so much if I expected her to get some rest. Once Sav is up, she tends to stay awake.
After a quick detour to the kitchen to scarf down a boiled egg, a few breakfast sausages, and some overnight oats, I’m on my way to the Frenzy. It’s fairly close to our arena, the Richard Cox Arena, which is great, a five-to-ten-minute drive depending on traffic. RCA was named after the man who founded our team over fifty years ago, and surprisingly it hasn’t been changed.
When I first joined the team, our training facility was almost half an hour away. Which wasn’t terrible, but it also wasn’t ideal. Our time is already severely limited. The last thing we need to be doing is wasting precious time driving back and forth across the city.
This is also why I bought a house in one of the gated communities in the suburbs closest to RCA. I can walk there faster than driving. And I’d definitely walk if it weren’t for the fact that it’s hot as balls ninety-five percent of the time. Way too hot to walk to the arena in a suit, no less.
We played well on the road, three wins and two losses. Our game has been strong at home, too, but we can’t get too comfortable. Our defense coach has some drills scheduled for us to run through. It shouldn’t be anything too strenuous since we have another game tomorrow night.
We’ll start by watching game film, I’m sure. Part of Coach DeMassi’s process requires us to tell him what we did wrong and where we think we can improve. Once we answer, he reviews our responses and provides his feedback as well.
Afterwards, we hit the locker room to dress for practice. I love his approach. It not only allows me to easily see where my skills need improving, but reminds me to stay humble.
Which is important to me. If I lose that quality, then I don’t feel like I deserve to be here. Personally, and professionally, my goal is to acknowledge there’s always room for improvement regardless of how skilled I am. As a skater and as a player.
And with DeMassi’s coaching technique I know for a fact I’m becoming a stronger player each day. Maintaining focus and honing my skills.
My phone vibrates back-to-back with notifications.
I don’t hesitate to pull it out and check.
Skysthelimit: COD tonight?
“You’ve gotta be texting your boyfriend if you have that stupid look on your face. It only makes an appearance when you’re talking to him.” Leigh drops down onto the bench beside me and tries to look at my phone. Instinctively, I pull it out of his reach.
I was supposed to be dressing for practice, but here I am, completely sidetracked by my notifications.
From Sky. But Leigh doesn't know that. He can’t know that. It’s just a guess. Shoving my phone into my duffel bag, I glance at him, “What look? I don’t have a look.”
“The one you’re still wearing right now. Your eyes are all crinkled up around the corners, you’re smiling so big. It’s so cute!” He playfully pinches my cheek with a jiggle for good measure. Like he’s an eighty-year-old granny.