Page 98 of Don't Look Down
He pulls up the game recording and hits play.
Watching with Landon is a totally new experience. He narrates what’s going through his head during the game. Talks about plays and mid-game line change-ups. Constantly working and fighting to get that goal.
We hit the first intermission tied zero to zero. Second period starts up immediately, thanks to fast forward. Even though I know the outcome of the game, my stomach feels tight with nerves and my heart is beating a bit fast, waiting for the scoring play.
Every time Landon’s on the ice, my chest fills with pride. His talent is magnificent.
His strong legs power across the ice, defending the net from the opposing team. Luc’s stick snags the puck from a Columbus player, smooth as you please. He takes off crossing the blue line into the neutral zone and into the offensive zone, aiming for the Columbus net. Columbus brings the pressure. He gets pinned against the boards.
Antonov frees the puck, firing it along the boards. Murdock to Landon. Landon dekes left, faking out Columbus. He fires a wrister. Pad save and the puck is deflected. Antonov gets the rebound, then shoots the puck to Murdock. Murdock’s arm comes back, stick in hand, and he shoots a laser right between the knees of their goalie.
The lamp lights up, signaling a goal for our boys.
“Yesssss! Thane’s kind of badass.” My chin tips up. I’m too close and cuddled up to him to actually see his face, but I try.
“He is. Murdock’s trade couldn’t have come at a better time for us. He’s proving to be an asset.”
On the screen, Thane skates off along the bench, hockey stick raised in his right hand, fist bumping his teammates.
“Aww, just look at him! Baby Bull Shark is thriving, huh? Kicking ass and taking names.” On screen, his smile is huge and completely adorable. The camera zooms in on Luc placing a hand on Thane’s helmet and shaking. These guys with their makeshift noogies.
Landon’s chest and stomach bounce under me with his laugh. “Baby Bull Shark?”
“Uh-huh.” I nod against his sternum.
He chuckles. “I’m telling him you called him that. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a thing. I’m gonna make sure of it.”
“As it should be.”
“Leigh is gonna be pissed he didn’t think of it first. But he’s gonna run with it.”
“Such a shit-stirrer that guy. He’s so much fun.”
Landon fake gags under me. “Meh, I guess he’s alright.”
Not bothering to lift my head, I playfully slap his shoulder. “Stop it. You love him.”
His smile is so bright I can hear it in his words. “Yeah, he’s basically the brother I never had.”
“So. Cute.” Each word is said with conviction.
His chin brushes my hair. “Whatever.”
We finish watching the rest of the game. The Bull Sharks play consistently and cohesively during the final period.
My body feels heavier, and my breathing is deepening. With my face mashing against his pec, I burrow my head into him. He’s so comfortable to cuddle on.
Landon tilts his head to catch a glimpse of my face. “Tired, babe?”
I nod lethargically against his chest. “Mhm.”
“Okay, up we go. Let’s head upstairs and we’ll nap in my bed.”
He shifts until I roll off him and against the back of the couch. Once he stands, he reaches down to help pull me up, threading his fingers through mine.
“C’mon.” I groan in response, and he laughs. “What happened? All the wind left your sails.”
“Crashing. Fading fast,” I tell him. “I didn’t sleep well without you. Must sleep.”