Page 21 of A Slice of You
‘Which brings me to the real reason I brought you to brekkie, Naomi.’ His tone was laced with nerves as he swallowed hard again.
My stomach sank.God, this is it – the moment he reveals what’s making him nervous.
‘And what’s that reason?’ I said, trying to appear as unflustered as possible while my mantra of‘play it cool, play it cool’repeated in my head.
‘You’re sexy, Naomi, really damn sexy. Just thought you should know that.’ He flashed his smile as he eyed my face.
‘Thanks.’ I laughed and raised my brows, wondering why something he usually said freely was making him nervous.
‘I mean it, Naomi. You drive me bloody crazy. I don’t even know what it is about you, but I really like you.’ His stare was intense again.
I was the one swallowing hard this time and could already tell what he was going to say next.
‘So … Would you saywe’retogetherlikeboyfriend and girlfriend?’ He raised his perfectly arched brows while his eyes remained on mine.
I took a moment to respond and looked at him while twirling a straw around my half-empty drink. ‘We’re seeing each other, but we’re not exclusive. I like to take things slow.’
‘Yeah, but it’s been, like, three months. I think you should know now whether you like me or not.’ His eyes squinted in curiosity as his lip snarled a little.
He’s right. I should be sure of my feelings after three months, but it’s not like I see him every day. He does FIFO. Two weeks on, and two weeks off, so in actuality, we’ve been hanging out around six weeks or so. Still quite some time, but I’m scared of committing and him playing with my heart, and I sure as hell don’t want to be hurt again.
‘I do like you, Seb. I like you a lot. I just don’t want to commit to anything just yet. That doesn’t mean I don’t like you, and I’m definitely not seeing anyone else if that’s what you’re worried about,’ I said in a reassuring tone as I looked into his hurt eyes.
‘I didn’t think that. I’m not used to this whole waiting so long. Most women date me pretty quickly. And I don’t get what’s stopping you. I’ve got the looks, the money, and the personality you’re after.’ He crossed his arms and looked out onto the street banked up with traffic.
Our conversation paused as the waiter brought our food to the table.
Just as I was beginning to trust Seb and see his soft side, he had to ruin things by throwing in an egotistical line that made me question whether his feelings were genuine and whether I was special or not.Was I just another woman, but one that ‘challenged’ him?There were genuine feelings for him, and I wanted to explore ‘us’,but why did a part of me feel so unsure?I wanted him in my life, and I sure didn’t want to lose him, but there were doubts on my mind – that was certain. To say I was confused was an understatement, and I knew more than anything, life could take someone away in a heartbeat, just like my dad. My heart was too fragile, and the last thing I needed was to trust and have my heart trampled on, again.
Despite my doubts, I did admire Seb’s good looks and his charming efforts, and I appreciated his commitment to proving to me that he was genuine, even though certain things he said grated on my nerves. At least he showed he was dedicated with unexpected visits and the unwavering attention he gave me.Also, as much as I hate getting out of bed early, it is nice being here with him.
‘Well, I’m not like most women and don’t want to be categorised as if we’re all the same.’ I knitted my hands together and leant my chin on them as I stared at him. The table was warm under my elbows.
He swallowed hard again and gave me a look full of exasperation.
‘You are the most difficult woman I’ve ever met, Naomi.’ He shook his head and let out a laugh.
‘I am what I am.’ I twirled one of my curls, then tucked it behind my ear while smiling playfully.
‘It makes me want you more. You keep me on my toes and make me go crazy. There’s no need for us to play the cat-and-mouse chase game, baby. I’m done chasing. I’ve got my eyes on the prize.’ He pointed in my direction. ‘You’re the only mousey I want … and this big cat just wants you all to himself without the games.’ He winked.
A chuckle escaped my lips. ‘You seriously make me laugh, Seb. Thank you, though. You’re sweet.’ My walls came down at the realisation that being my complete self still made him want me.
His features softened, and he gave me a huge, impressed smile.
His feelings are genuine, aren’t they? Maybe I’m overthinking things. Just because one fool broke my heart doesn’t mean Seb will too.
‘I’m glad I got my feelings off my chest, and this food’s bloody good. This has got to be my favourite brekkie place on theCoast,’ Seb said while munching on his toast lathered in egg and salmon.
I cut into my poached egg and nodded my agreement as the yolk oozed across my toast.
‘So, I forgot. What’s your favourite colours again?’ Seb asked. It felt like the question came out of nowhere.
My brows pulled together in thought. ‘Oh, that’s hard. Umm … Usually anything pastel, so, like, lilac, baby pink or aqua.’
‘Oh, cool. Good to know.’ He grinned.
What is he up to?I ground salt and pepper onto my eggs as I watched him across the table, searching his face for clues.