Page 42 of A Slice of You
‘Are you joking?’ I spat out and felt a sense of pride in saying that to him. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I worked extremely hard tonight and managed every single one of those pizza orders on my own, and not to mention, I did the desserts and dishes too.’
My forehead was perspiring from close-down, and my heart was still pounding at an unsettling rate, though I’m sure the latter was from Daniel asking to chat to me in private and being extra douchey.
He held his long finger to his lips to indicate for me to be quiet and looked me up and down. A filthy smile spread across his thin lips, and he leant back into a more comfortable position with his legs spread. I couldn’t help but notice the flake of skin on the bottom of his lip. It was so distracting, and just when I thought he couldn’t get any more disgusting, he licked his lips and made them moist. A quiver of repulsion ran through my body as he moved in his seat, shifting his leg over until it touched mine. He placed a hand on my thigh and stroked my inner thigh up and down while leaning in to sniff my hair. The sound of his sniff blew through my left ear, and I instantly flinched away from him until I was almost crawling back into my seat.
He tutted. ‘Naomi, youknowI don’t appreciate employees, especially women, talking back at me. It’s disrespectful. I run a fine business and have eyes in the back of my head. I see everything that goes on in the kitchen. You’re hopeless.’ He licked his palm and slicked the loose strand of hair back into place.
‘Huh. Hopeless? You can’t be serious, Daniel.’ Tears formed in my eyes, and my throat began to burn as I thought about all the hard work I put in every single shift. Why was he lying, and why was I letting it affect me so much?
‘You’re so fucking weak, Naomi. You don’t have what it takes to be a chef; that’s why you’re just acook.’
He looked more amused with each insult he threw at me and stared down at my breasts.
‘It’s clear to me that you never bothered to read my resume, and you haven’t the faintest clue who I am because if you did, you’d know that I’m not “just a cook”.’ I used air quotes toemphasise how insulting I found his wording. ‘I hold a Cert Two in hospitality, I’m a qualified barista, and I have my RSA.’ I took a deep breath and blinked back the tears threatening to spill down my face. There’s no way I would let Daniel see me cry. ‘Daniel, I’ve worked in kitchens since I was sixteen. I’m—’
He scoffed. ‘Get over yourself, woman. Listen to you try and defend yourself. It’s highly amusing, I must confess … But please remember in that blonde head of yours that you’repathetic, and you’ll never get anywhere in life. That’s why you’ve got to work for me because you’redesperatefor money and no one else will hire you.You need me.’ He pointed his finger in my face as flecks of spit hit my cheek.
I shook my head in disbelief, hardly believing what I was hearing.
‘Daniel, all workers depend on someone else’s money to survive.’ What I really wanted to say was,‘State the frickin’ obvious, you prick,’but I didn’t dare go that far. Yet. Instead, I replied, ‘You’re so wrong about me, Daniel, so wrong.’ I felt the anger rising.Uh oh. Here it comes.‘You know what?’ I stood up. ‘I don’t have to put up with this. I’m sick of you looking over my shoulder every minute, and I’m sick of working for pretty much nothing. I deserve a pay rise, and consistent shifts. Otherwise, I’mout.’
He began to laugh hysterically and stood as he clapped his hands.
‘You need a good fuck – that’s what you need,’ he muttered under his breath.
‘Excuse me? What did you just say to me?’ I raised my eyebrows in horror.
‘Nothing.’ He smirked. ‘I’mnevergoing to give you a pay rise, Naomi. You’re comical. You make a joke out of yourself every day. What makesyouthinkI’devergiveyoumore money?’ He cackled some more, sounding highly amused, but I could tell bythe way he stood so close to me, he was turned on. He could barely take his eyes off my chest, and he looked like any moment now he’d start licking his lips like the Big Bad Wolf.What a sick prick, I thought to myself.He’s getting off on the power he thinks he has over me.
I flashed back to all the moments over the months I’d caught him looking at me. I’d thought it was just him monitoring my work, but now I knew better. He was checking out my arse all those times I glanced over my shoulder and saw him staring at me.Creep.I continually brushed it off, over and over, but now it was evident this had been his plan all along. He wanted to make me feel worthless and needy, so I begged for my job and gave in to him. That prick really believed I’d fall for his ploy and not speak up for myself and let him get away with his abuse like I did every other shift.
I stepped backwards to a safer distance, while I shook with rage, and something else too. Strength. Unfortunately for Daniel, I’d seen manipulation before, and I wasn’t going to stand for it again.
‘You sicken me,’ I said, my voice trembling, and a rush of tears fell down my hot cheeks. Rage tears. I clenched my nails into my hand until it hurt and took a deep breath to steady myself.
‘Go on. Walk out, you slack bitch. You will come running back in the morning. How else will you make money?’ The bulge in his pants was unmistakable as he took a seat and leant back into his chair with his legs spread. I knew he wanted me to see it.
‘You’re wrong, Daniel, so wrong. I’m out for good, and you’re bloody sick, you know that? I know what you’re up to, and I would never sleep with a pathetic man like you. Go screw yourself.’
I turned away from him and marched out of the restaurant and didn’t stop walking until I reached my car. Deb was leaning on the passenger’s side, inhaling her cigarette deeply. She looked atear-stained mess, just like me, her face streaked with mascara as she stared blankly at the car park.
She seemed to wake up as she heard me approach. ‘Finally! I was going to walk in there and see what was happening—’ She broke off as she saw my face. ‘What happened? Why are you crying?’
‘Daniel fired me. Can we just get out of here?’ I slipped out my keys and unlocked the door. I’d been well aware of how angry I’d felt, but I didn’t realise howscaredI’d been as well until I climbed inside and locked the door. My hands shook as I inserted the keys into the ignition, but I breathed deeply and counted to ten until my hands were steady enough to drive. Somehow, Deb knew not to question me. I just wanted to leave. Daniel gave me the creeps so bad, and the last thing I wanted was for him to sneak up behind my shoulder. The thought alone made me shudder.
Deb continued to sit beside me in silence as I drove out of the car park. A quick glance at her told me all I needed to know. Shock and frustration were spelled out clearly across her face. I could tell she was in shock about me being fired and frustrated about something she was yet to tell me.
I glanced in the rear-view mirror as the restaurant disappeared from view behind us and thought to myself,I am never going back there ever again.
The Dalliance
Deb collapsed onto the couch and let her flats fall with a slap to the ground as she kicked them off her feet. Tears flooded down her cheeks as her limp body shivered and she drew in laborious breaths. I’d never seen her so distraught in my life. I was utterly shaken by what had happened earlier, but I shoved it down deep as I sat beside her in silence. She needed me more than ever now. Daniel must have upset her too, but what did he say to push her so far?
I held her hand and let her cry it out, so she wasn’t catching for breath when we finally spoke.
‘Deb, what’s wrong? Did Daniel have a go at you as well?’