Page 65 of A Slice of You
He let out a dramatically frustrated sigh. ‘Oh right, I forgot you were on your rag. You should have reminded me over text. If you won’t have sex, can you at least give me a headie?’ He began to pull down his pants in expectation of a positive answer.
As soon as he said those words, I regretted inviting him over and wished I’d chosen to stay in bed alone with my cookbook. I seemed to have a knack for making wrong decisions.
‘No, I’m not in the mood for that. I just want to relax. I thought we could chat and catch up on things.’ My voice was hopeful our conversation could go down that path.
‘All my exes would do this for me. They loved that they could still get me off when they were on their period. Come on, babe. Just a few sucks.’ He nodded to his blue great-white-shark underwear.
I cringed at his ‘get me off’ comment. Like women were lining up just to please him.
‘No, I’m tired. Look this was a bad idea. I thought we’d catch up and have a laugh, but now you’re starting to annoy me. Maybe you should go.’
‘Are you fucking kidding me, Naomi?’ He stood up and used his hands to express his annoyance. ‘I haven’t seen you for two fucking weeks.’
‘I don’t think this is working, Seb.’ As soon as I said those words, his upper lip snarled and he shot me a pissed-off look.
‘You haven’t even given us a proper go. You fuck everything with all these restrictions. I get you’re upset about your dad, but I’m a top bloke. You’re making a big mistake giving me the boot.’ He shook his head.
‘I’ve been thinking about it, and the truth is I don’t think we’re that compatible. Maybe we’re better off as friends.’ I rested my chin on my palm for support while I lay on my side.
‘Pffftttt. Friends that fuck, hey? Good luck doing better.’ He narrowed his russet eyes.
‘Goodbye, Sebastian.’ I gestured my free hand to the door and rolled my eyes.
‘If that’s what you want, then fine.’ He bent down and reached for his jacket on the floor, then flung open the door. ‘See ya later, you straight-edged sook.’
I didn’t bother replying as I got out of bed to lock my bedroom door.
As much as I was attracted to Seb, his personality, I wasn’t. I thought it was the right decision to end things with him. He wasn’t treating me as an individual or considering my feelings and tried to dominate mine. We couldn’t even have a proper conversation, and I wasn’t in love with him the way he wanted. Maybe friends were all we should be. I walked over to the dressing table, grabbed the opal necklace, and stared at the blue-and-green flecks dancing under the light.It would be wrong of me to keep this. I’ll call him tomorrow to tell him to collect it.
Once I’d cleared my head, I opened my bedroom door and walked to the fridge to grab a water bottle but was distracted by chatting in the lounge room.Wait a minute. That voice is … Sebs’s. I thought he left.The last thing I expected was for him to still be there.
I walked into the lounge room and saw Seb and Deb sitting on the three-seater couch. Seb crossed his arms and frowned as soon as our eyes met, and Deb gave me a smile.
‘Hey, what are you guys doing?’ I asked with confusion written all over my face.
‘Hanging out,’ Deb interjected with another smile.
‘I was just leaving actually,’ Seb said as he stood and avoided eye contact with me.
‘You really hurt him, Naomi,’ Deb added.
‘Deb, that’s between me and Seb. Things just weren’t working out.’ I let out a long sigh and was the one folding my arms this time. They were ready to shield me and defend my honour.
‘I happen to think you and him are a great mix and that you’re making a huge mistake splitting up. There’s not that many great options, you know, and Seb is a great guy and is nothing like Scott.’ She fixed me with her ebony eyes. ‘You and him are like the Brangelina of Noosa.’
I couldn’t help but think of the time Seb called her a hooker behind her back but was glad they had formed a connection since.
‘We weren’t really together to begin with,’ I said in haste, then instantly felt bad.Is Seb really that bad? He’s gorgeous-looking, and the sleaziness is the most off-putting thing about him. Maybe Deb’s right, and Seb is genuine, and all he needs is some guidance and a deep conversation because conversation skills are where he’s failing.
‘Ouch,’ Deb replied.
Seb walked towards me and looked into my eyes. His eyes were all puppy-dog sad and his strong body looked defeated.
‘You’re my weakness, Naomi. I don’t think I can get over you as quick as you seem to be able to get over me. Can we chat about this in your room?’ He looked at the floor, afraid of my answer.
Him wanting to talk about it and not storming out of the house showed me another side to his character and utterly surprised me.
‘Yeah, okay.’ I nodded.