Page 91 of A Slice of You
‘It is, isn’t it?’ He smiled with pride.
‘Do you always decorate your house like this? It’s magical.’ The lights from the trees reflected in my eyes.
‘Yes. We go all out for Christmas. It’s Mama’s favourite holiday.’ He grinned and placed his arm around me.
As I got closer to the tree, I noticed there was something missing: a star. ‘There’s no star on the tree.’
Patrick dropped his arm, looked around the lounge room, and noticed a gold star sitting on the coffee table. He picked it up, then looked at me with another smile.
‘She left it for me. Do you want to put it on top?’ he asked with shining eyes.
‘No, that’s your tradition. Maybe next year.’ I smiled shyly.
He raised his eyebrows at me. ‘Next year, huh?’ He seemed pleased as he stood on his toes to place the star on top.
A pad of footsteps caught my attention.Was Elizabeth awake?
Patrick turned around to face the lounge-room entrance. ‘Mama, what are you doing up?’ he asked as Elizabeth appeared. She had her hair twirled into a bun and was wearing an emerald silk dressing gown. As she got closer, the smell of musk body lotion drifted from her skin.
‘Oh, I needed to see your face, darling,’ she said while looking around the room. ‘Do you like the decorations?’
‘How could we not?’ Patrick answered. ‘They’re stunning.’
‘I can’t wait for us all to be together again. It will be so lovely.’ She adjusted a drooping bauble.
I could see in Elizabeth’s eyes how fatigued she was and felt touched by the realisation that she’d stayed up to do all this out of passion for her family and Christmas.
‘Did you do all of the decorating yourself?’ Patrick asked with a raised brow and a grin.
‘No, of course not.’ She laughed. ‘I hired someone.’
‘Well, they did an exceptional job,’ I added.
Elizabeth looked at me and smiled warmly. ‘Oh yes, they did, didn’t they?’
I nodded and couldn’t wipe the smile off my face; I felt so content, and the twinkling lights warmed any lingering cold spots on my body.
‘Typical Mama,’ Patrick said, smiling. ‘You spend so much money just to make us happy.’
‘There’s no EFTPOS in heaven,’ she shot back with a wry look on her face.
‘Touché, Mama.’ He nodded while maintaining his smile.
Elizabeth turned to me under the glow of the Christmas lights. ‘You’re very pretty, Naomi, much like an old-fashioned beauty. Actually, you remind me of a girl painted from the Renaissance period.’ She stroked her thumb across my cheek, and I felt fluttery with affection. ‘Fair like one, too.’
‘Thank you, Elizabeth. Patrick has said this to me also.’ I beamed. ‘You’re very beautiful yourself.’
‘You’ve got youth on your side, dear. I’m glad Patrizio has found someone natural for once. You suit each other.’ She let her hand fall back to her side.
‘I do feel rather lucky,’ Patrick added and wrapped his arm around my back, warming me even more. I felt like a melting marshmallow.
Elizabeth yawned, tapping her hand over her mouth, then said, ‘I think I might go to bed. Well, you both enjoy this. Goodnight.’
‘Night, Mama.’ Patrick kissed her on the cheek.
‘Goodnight, Elizabeth. Have a restful sleep.’ I smiled.
‘Feel free to call me Lizzie, Naomi.’ She patted me on the shoulder.