Page 25 of Daddy's Stowaway
The images of those moments played in a constant loop. Sometimes it was Alex holding me and being shot by an unknown gunman. When those images would mingle, I would try and warn Alex of the impending danger. I guess I managed to move in my unconscious state because I’d hear a familiar voice saying everything was okay. Was it, though? Where was Alex? I knew he wasn’t in the room with me. His larger-than-life presence was missing, and so was his smell, fresh coconuts mixed with cinnamon and spice. Oh yeah, and everything nice. I loved how he smelled. The scent of his skin was like an aphrodisiac.
I had heard the voices of multiple people and sensed when I was moved from the hard floor to my bed. Ha! Not my bed, more like his bed. No, our bed, yeah, that sounded right, ours… then I felt him. When his unique smell wafted, I knew my man was back. I worked on opening my eyes, but it hurt so damn much! Finally, I managed to get them open enough to see Alex sitting on the bed gazing down at me with concern.
“Are you okay?” I managed to croak.
Alex responded with a wide grin, then he pressed himself over me lightly, covering my face in kisses. “Thank god you woke up. I’ve been so worried about you.”
“How long have I been out?”
“About twelve hours, and I was just about to leave.”
I felt urgent panic, and Alex picked it up.
He sat back. “Listen to me, Antonia. I have to take a flight for business and will be gone a few days. I am leaving Simone with you, Johnathan, and a host of guards. No one is going to get to you.”
I gripped his hand like it was a life preserver, pulling it to my chest in a desperate attempt to not let him leave.
“Please, Alex, don’t go; you may never come back,” I cried, tears flowing down my cheeks. “I’m scared, Daddy, don’t go.” I was pulling out all the stops. “It was Markos, and he is dangerous. Please don’t face him; it won’t end well, he is dirty, the dirtiest of them all. A true rat, and you can’t trust anything he says.”
“It’s okay, Antonia, shh, quiet yourself now, breathe.”
I took a few long inhales and let them out slowly.
“Listen, I won’t let anything bad happen. I promise you I will be back, and I need you to be here waiting for me. Be good while I’m gone, Antonia. I want your word that you will do as you’re told and stay safe.”
I nodded my head, not ready to concede verbally.
Alex growled, “Antonia, words.”
“Yes, I promise to stay safe.”
“I see we are going to have a long session with the paddle when I get back.”
“Yes, Daddy, I promise to stay safe.” I hated him making me promise like that. I felt so bad that I didn’t plan on doing anything but going to the bathroom. How much trouble could I get into?
“That’s better. Antonia, remember that you are the most important person to me; I love you, baby girl.”
My heart swelled with his words. “I love you too, Daddy, with every part of me.”
He gently pulled his hand away from my chest, drawing my hand with it. He kissed the back of it and then stood. “I have to go now, sweetheart. Make sure you eat and hydrate.”
I assured him I would, and then like magic, he was gone. I grabbed the remote from my bed stand for the window blinds. I wanted to see the endless sea and lose myself in its sparkling waves. I wasn’t alone long enough to completely indulge myself in a pity party as Simone came in about ten minutes later. She sat down on the side of the bed and wiped my tears.
“You need a distraction. How about we watch some romance flicks and eat ice cream?”
I regarded her with teary eyes. Simone was my first friend since school, and I really liked her. I didn’t know the rules of friendship like I once did, but cheering up your buddy seemed like Friendship 101.
“Okay, as long as we add every kind of junk food to the list and booze; I could really use some booze.” Simone and I broke out into peals of laughter.
“You got it. Let me go and get everything ready, and then I’ll help you downstairs to the movie room.”
I smiled as she retreated out the door. Maybe this beinggoodthing wouldn’t be so bad, not with a friend around to distract you from all your fears.
By the time Simone came back, I had managed to get myself to the bathroom for a pee and a shower and felt infinitely better. I went into my closet and found a bamboo pajama set that felt like a warm hug when I put them on. And then, weaving back to the bed, chugged down a bottle of water that I found on my nightstand.
Simone returned with the doc on her heels. “I brought the doctor with me as you were awake. I thought he could check you before we go downstairs, and Johnathan insisted you eat breakfast first.” When I made a disapproving face at her, she added, “Then we can go and party in the movie room; everything is set up.”
“Oh fine,” I said, “as long as I can get something to take for this awful headache.”