Page 78 of The Best Next Thing
She cleared her throat and searched for a way to change the subject. “So how long have you and Sam been engaged?”
“A couple of years. He’s been pushing to get married, but I’m happy for now. We love each other, there’s no rush. And what’s going on between you and Miles?”
Charity felt her face going red and nearly choked on the slice of cucumber she had popped into her mouth a second before.
“N-nothing,” she managed, once she had regulated her breathing. “He’s my boss.”
“He clearly wants to be more. You should have seen the way he stared at you when you were talking with the kids, right before the accident.”
Charity wanted to probe, she was keen to know exactly how Miles had been staring at her, but her natural reticence stayed her tongue, and Lia grinned knowingly.
“I mean, I thought the way Sam looks at me is intense, but wow. I’m surprised you don’t have scorch marks up and down your body because it was haaaaawt.”
“We’ve grown closer these last few weeks.” Charity was horrified to find herself divulging so much private information, but Lia was so easy to talk to. Or maybe it was because it had been way too long since Charity had had anything resembling a female friend to confide in.
“Good for you.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little…inappropriate? I’m his housekeeper.”
“Please, most wives and live-in girlfriends are unpaid housekeepers. Kudos to you for making a living out of it. Does the situation feel inappropriate?”
“I feel like it should.”
“But does it?”
“Not really. I’ve worked for him for three years and never thought of him in that way…until one day I did.”
“And do you feel taken advantage of?”
“Far from it.”
“Then I think you should give yourself permission to enjoy it. To enjoy him.”
Charity wasn’t quite sure what to say in response to that and appearing to understand her discomfort, Lia changed the subject. “So, you were pretty phenomenal back there. With the boy. You handled it almost…professionally?”
Not an ideal shift in topics. Charity could tell from the upward lilt in her voice that Lia, like so many other people present at the community center today, was going to be even more curious about Charity and her background now. In fact, she was surprised it had taken the woman this long to bring it up.
“It was basic first aid,” she dismissed. Hoping that would be the end of it.
“Are you talking about that business with Sinclair Ross?” Sam’s voice intruded, as the two men entered the kitchen through the backdoor with Trevor, Sam’s ever-present shadow, trailing behind them. Sam was carrying a tray of cooked meat, and Miles was clutching a couple of beer bottles.
“Yes, I was just telling Charity how wonderfully she dealt with the situation.”
“I was just trying to keep him calm,” Charity deflected. “He was terrified and in pain…and I dare say, a little embarrassed. He’s an attention hog, but that wasn’t exactly the kind of attention he was looking for.”
Sam laughed at her statement. “Oh, it got him the attention he wanted alright.”
“What do you mean?”
“That dumb kid wanted only one person’s eyes on him, and in the end, he had her undivided attention. Dislocated shoulder or not, I’m thinking he’s not feeling too badly right now.”
Charity’s eyes widened as she gleaned his meaning, and she chuckled as well. Of course! That made so much sense.
“Oh, my goodness!” she exclaimed, feeling silly for not realizing it herself. “He has a crush on Charlie.”
“Major one, poor bastard. He’s in for a tough time with her brothers.”
“How many brothers?” Miles asked..
“Just two. You know Mason, my former business partner. But I don’t think you’ve met his brother, a big taciturn guy named Spencer. They’re married to Lia’s sisters. And they’ll eat that poor kid for breakfast.” Sam put the tray of meat on the kitchen counter. He then made a beeline for Lia and wrapped his free arm around her slender waist.
“Hey there, sunshine, did you miss me?”
“While you were miles away on the patio, tending the fire?” She laughed, raising her hand to cup his jaw. “Of course, I did.”
He nuzzled her neck, and she playfully pushed him away.
“You smell like smoke and sweat,” she protested, wrinkling her nose.
“Like a manly man, you mean?”
Charity watched them lightheartedly bicker, grateful that their interest had shifted from her. She sneaked a glance at the silent man who had come to stand beside her at the kitchen counter. He wasn’t watching the playful couple, instead his eyes were trained on her face. He smiled lazily when he recognized that he’d been caught staring, but did nothing to disguise the smoldering intent in his gaze.
Lia was right. Charity’s every nerve ending felt scorched by that penetrating stare. She felt stripped naked, vulnerable, and on edge. Her skin was too tight for her body, her nipples were hard, painful points, and her knees threatened to give way. She fought to control her breathing, a little embarrassed—and a lot exhilarated—by how quickly a single look could turn her on. She already knew how fast he could make her come, but she was starting to wonder exactly what else he could do with his body, hands, and mouth.