Page 16 of From the Darkness
That’s Drills’ stupid knock.
“Busy, go the fuck away!” I yell and grab my saddle bags.
He knocks again and then says, “Eagle, need to talk NOW!”
I stomp to my door and pull it open. Pointing my finger in his face, I growl, “We have nothing to fucking talk about. I am packing some shit and heading to the cabin to set up for my girl. You can go play fake bullshit with Sweet cheeks. I hope you get fucking crabs, you piece of shit.”
I don’t get a chance to slam the door as Drills comes flying into the room. His hand comes up around my neck, and he shoves me back until my back slams against the wall and my desk.
“Listen here, fuck face. I did what I did to protect our fucking girl. That’s right, you heard me say our fucking girl. I didn’t want to show up for the date tonight, being in pain and full of bruises from the one punch. I was actually thinking of protecting her and not scaring the fucking shit out of her,” he states and then let’s go and walks toward the door.
“Man, I need your support on this. I hate that fucking bitch for what she is trying to do to the club. I want to see who she is working with. I want Amelia and only her, but I have to make sure this club is protected just as much as I have to make sure Amelia is safe,” he says and then walks through the door.
Nothing else just leaves.
“Shit,” I whisper and scrub my hand over my face.
What a cluster fuck? I didn’t stop to think about what he had to do. I let my fucking temper fly and passed judgment on the one man that will always have my back.
I need to make him see that I have his back, no matter what. It needs to be a meaningful gesture. I am going to have to step up and be the third in the fake relationship. What relationship? We are literally getting the bitch drunk and injecting her with a tiny tracker. That’s it.
When I hit my door, I think to myself, we are going to have to find a way to ditch the bitch, so we can meet up with Amelia. I need to see her tonight.
Making my way to the common room, I get stopped by Net asking if he has seen Drills. He tells me that Sweet cheeks looks about ready to leave.
I change direction and head to his clubroom, knocking only once before I walk in.
He is lying on his bed with his earphones in. He has his phone raised above his head like he is waiting for his phone to buzz. His eyes are staring intently at his phone until he groans and drops his phone on the bed before putting his hands over his eyes.
I slowly move beside his bed, making sure that he has no weapons to stick in my thigh. I tap him on the thigh and watch his arm lift to see who it is.
His eyes darken as he rips the earphone from his ear and growls out, “What the fuck do you want? Come to accuse me of more bullshit?”
“No, man, I came to say sorry for letting my anger get the better of me. I want you to know that I am behind you one hundred percent. In order to make Sweet cheeks believe we want to party, it’s going to have to come from both us. We do need to figure out how to get away tonight so we can meet up with Fire. She is still our first and foremost priority,” I state, then extend my hand.
He just stares at my hand opening and closing his mouth. He is getting ready to speak, but he is also trying to rein in the fury that has built behind his eyes.
“Of all the fucking brothers in this club, you are my best friend. For you to assume that I was going to walk away from Amelia after the connection we had last night not only pisses me off, but it hurts. It means my best fucking friend has no goddamn clue what type of fucking man I am,” Drills growls at me and kicks his foot out at my hand, making a connection with my fingers enough for me to scream and shake my hand.
“Fucker! What was that for?” I growl at him as I shake my hand out.
“That’s for thinking I was walking away from the girl that completes us. This is for being a prick about it,” he states just before his fist connects with my gut, making me gag and bend over.
Why did he have to go for the gut? I would have rather a shot to the ribs.
“Now, we are even. You ever assume shit about me again, you better run. If you think the one punch leaves you in pain, it will be nothing like my fury over the distrust you give me,” Drills says.
“I said I was sorry, you dirty bastard,” I groan and then straighten up.
He extends his hand in a fist, asking for a bump to show he forgives me.
I stand and stretch up to my entire six feet four inches and pound my fist to his.
“Let’s get this bullshit over with. I am going to need to go all Crying Game in the shower before Amelia comes close to me,” Drills says and walks toward the door.
Chapter Thirteen