Page 3 of From the Darkness
Her finger points toward the group of men all crowding around the yards. By the looks, she lives in between a group of bikers. With the amount of bikes that are parked all over, I am unsure how she gets and peace and quiet.
“Ma’am, are you sure you are safe here?” I ask, placing my hand on her arm so she can’t get out.
She giggles and whispers, “Those men will never hurt their Grandma May,” and she climbs out of my car.
I jump out of my side and listen as all the guys shout, “Grandma May!”
I shake my head and lean into the back to grab her bags, shimmying out of the car I get a collective groan from the group of men as my ass wiggles, and I stand. I look around, and the entire group of guys is focused on me, some with their hands on their crotch, others just staring with their mouths open.
“Let’s go, Ms. May. I’ll carry these into the house for you,” I whisper, just as a mammoth of a man steps forward.
“I’ll take those sweet cheeks,” he grumbles.
I shoot him the ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ look and walk in behind May.
I fucking hate guys that think I am helpless, that degrade me by calling me names like sweet cheeks and baby doll. I have a damn name. If they want it, they need to grow a set of balls and ask me.
I place her bags on the counter and head to the living room to let May know that all her groceries are in the house. The Mammoth from before is hugging May, but his eyes are on me.
“Ms. May your groceries are on the counter in the kitchen. I’m sorry about what happened with your grandson, but he’ll come around and get back on his bike. I am going to go to my home,” I say and offer my hand to shake.
“What happened with that boy now, Grandma May?” the mammoth growls, but she ignores him with a wave of her hand and steps into my body, placing them on my cheeks and gently placing a kiss on each one.
I smiled down at her and head for the door. The mammoth hasn’t said anything since he asked his question, but he has yet to stop staring at me.
I step up to him and raise my head to look at him. He is a tall man, and I am five foot six. I want to say something intelligent, but the words that come out of my mouth make me sound like a teenager. “Take a picture it lasts longer.”
Why the hell did I just say that? I walk out to the guys, all standing in a circle.
When the door slams behind me, they all turn and look at me. Dammit, talk about announcing myself.
One man steps up and opens his mouth and says, “Damn, baby, you look juicy. I’d like to see just how juiced you get.”
I just shake my head and keep walking until another one steps in front of me and states, “Mmm, your feet must be tired, because you have been running through my mind all day,
I snort and walk around him to get to my car and just as I swing out the door another one steps up and leans into my side and whispers, “You were in my dreams last night, you had my cock buried deep in your throat. Can you make my dreams come true?”
I turn my head and step into his body, slowly bringing my hand up and grabbing his nipple through his shirt. I pinch hard and twist, then state, “You want my mouth? You are going to have to learn how to speak to a lady. Now get the fuck away from me.” I released him and push him away, sliding into my car, starting it up, slapping the shifter into gear.
With my foot still on the brake, I step on the gas and spin my tires. As the guys move away, I let off the brake, and my tires squeal, shooting down the street, heading towards home and a nice hot relaxing bath.
Chapter Three
Squeak Bark!
“Oh, my gosh! Squawk stop playing with your damn duck!” I groan and put my pillow over my head.
I threw the pillow across the room and looked over to see Squawk with the new dog toy in his mouth and staring at me. You could swear that his little doggy mind is thinking, ‘yeah bitch, get your ass out of bed and feed me, then let me go take a crap.’
“You know you could have let me sleep in, Squawker. I have two days off before it's back to the firehouse,” I grumble and pick the tiny puppy up.
I got Squawk about three months ago. His fur is a gray and white mixture, and long like the Border collie in him and his eyes is the Husky mix with one being light blue and the other being brown. He guides like the Collie and sings like the Husky.