Page 41 of From the Darkness
Chapter Thirty-Nine
“The police still want to talk with her,” I hear whispered beside me.
“I know. I’ve told them she is still not out of her unconscious state. I’ve got them sitting outside her door until she wakes up and the doctor gives the go ahead for her to talk to them.” Another voice states.
My hands are extremely warm, and I feel like my head is swimming in a murky fog.
“Why are my hands so hot?” I croak and try to open my eyes.
The lights are off in my room, but the sounds from the hallway are filtering in. The gasp of breath from the two people in the room with me is like razor blades to my head and I “shush” them.
“Sorry, beautiful,” Drills whispers and a gentle kiss is placed on my forehead.
“Welcome back, baby,” Eagle hums and another kiss is placed on my cheek.
“Is it over with?” I whisper. I can remember everything so vividly, their words, their touch, the cracks of the belt, everything that happened before and everything that happened after. I am afraid that they will take me away to an all women prison, where they will make me their bitch and I’ll suffer from all the pain again. I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate, my lungs are getting tighter, my body is starting to shake.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay you are safe. They will not be taking you away from us. You defended yourself from a viscous rape and possible homicide. If they try anything, we have a backup, and our lawyer is ready to have fun with them. What you did was defend yourself during your ordeal,” Drills states and I sob.
“They t-t-touched m-m-me. I can feel them all over me, I can hear their words and everything, and how can I make it stop? I had finally beat back some of the demons,” I whispered.
“We will get there again, my love. Just let us make you safe,” Lucas states, just as the doctor and the police officers walk in the room.
“I see this precious girl has finally opened her eyes. I am the doctor that was working on you in the emergency room. How are you feeling?” he asks me and I burst into tears.
“They are here to arrest me and take me to prison where I will become big Bertha’s live-in lover. I will get raped repeatedly, all because I killed someone who was trying to rape and murdered me. I can’t go to jail I’m too pretty, I’m too small,” I mumble and scream uncontrollably. My body is vibrating, and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe.
“Like I said officers, you should have left your card with one of the men, I will have the administration remove you from this hospital, she will be down to the station within the next forty-eight hours, until then what you are doing is harassment,” the doctor forcefully states.
The officers stand there staring at the room. They look like toddlers who were just told no. They open their mouth to say something, and a growl comes from my men.
“Last chance before I call my head of the hospital,” he says and walks towards the phone that is on the wall. They throw a card on the nearest table and basically run out of the room.
“Alrighty, let’s get this show on the road. Gentlemen I know you won’t leave but y’all are going to step outside of the curtain while I perform my check-up. Growl at me and the same thing that I threatened those police officers with will happen to you!” he demands, and I watch as Lucas and Stephen bow their heads and step behind the curtain as the doctor pulls it closed.
“So, can you tell me what happened? Not the killing or anything, but I need to know if my results of the rape kit are correct, because right now the kit is telling me that there was no actual intercourse, although there are traces of saliva.” he inquires.
I take a big breath and say, “They never got the chance to have intercourse with me. One of them had the other one h-h-h-hold my legs apart while he...” I stop and take a deep breath. I feel so disgusting, then I close my eyes and continue, “He umm he licked me, he told me I tasted like white Belgian chocolate.”
“How did you get the red marks on your body?” he asks.
“The other guy he-he used his leather belt on me and told me that he would go harder if I screamed,” I whispered.
“Why was there no intercourse?” the doctor asks, and I can see that he is writing down my answers.
“As he put his hand to my throat, I stabbed a pen into his neck. I had to make him stop and then I just couldn’t stop myself. I took out all my aggression on him. I had already hit the other attacker with the heel of my foot and knocked him out. After I tied him up, I blacked out because I was breathing so quickly,” I say and look down.
“Ms. Mackenzie, what you did to protect yourself and anyone else that these two may have done this too, I-I it’s. I am glad that you are here to show the world that you are a fighter. I only hope that my daughters are half as strong as you are,” he says and opens the curtains, showing the pale faces of Stephen and Lucas.
“Thank you, gentlemen, she will be able to leave in a few minutes, nothing strenuous for at least a week,” He walks away shaking his head but stops at the door and says over his shoulder “You have one strong woman right here gentlemen, keep her and cherish her because the stuff that she has been through would make the strongest man fold.” Then he is gone.
Chapter Forty
I have been snuggled into this big comfy bed for the last three nights. I am not allowed to leave the house until the police somehow confirm that what I told them was what I told the doctor. I have never felt like more of a criminal than I did when I explained what happened to me. Of course, it was a new detective because apparently the incidents happened at two separate times.