Page 6 of From the Darkness
“Geek was walking by the bitch’s bathroom, and he heard Sweet cheeks tell another girl that she is going to make you guys pay. He didn’t get the entire conversation because she walked out of the bathroom and turned to head for the door,” he states and starts to twitch.
“So, the bitch thinks she will get one over on us, does she?” I state, looking at Eagle. He just nods.
“What the fuck? The bitch just came twice on our cocks, and now you’re telling me she has some sort of plan?” I growl at Coin.
“Geek has an idea, but we need you guys to listen to the entire thing before you make your decision,” Coin states, and then points at Geek to come and join our conversation. “Geek, tell them what you told me? How are we going to catch the dumb bitch before she tries any bullshit?” Coin says to geek.
“We need to get some sort of tracking device on her, I thought that if we got Drills and Eagle to give her a set of earrings and in the earrings, there will be a GPS tracker that allows me or whoever has the app to monitor where she is at all times, we just have to make sure that she always wears the earrings, no matter what,” Geek states.
Drills and I look at each other and shake our heads. There is no way that we are going to be linked to sweet cheeks in any way. The kid has a talented mind, but that doesn’t mean shit in our world. He will still be the clubs bitch until we vote him his patch.
“Yeah, that won’t be happening. You are going to have to find another way to track the dumb bitch. I am not putting my name to her at all,” Eagle grumbles.
“Well, there is another way we can track her, but it will take some time to get things in order. We could inject a small tracking device at the base of her neck. I would activate it on my phone and laptop, and I would be able to track her every move. However, we are going to have to find someone who can use a needle, and we are going to have to find a way to get her to pass the fuck out,” Geek states, looking at Coin to make sure that he hasn’t spoken out of turn.
“Is there something else you suggest as well? It looks like you have more to say, Prospect,” I state, and am shocked by the next statement that comes out of his mouth.
“Well, I suggest that the clubhouse have a higher security system. We have a camera on the door to come in, but we need to have more. We need to be able to watch all the rooms that aren’t occupied by club members. So, the kitchen, the muffler bunnies’ rooms, outside the bathrooms, the bar area, and more on the outside of the building. The surveillance of the entire lot needs to be watched twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I’d be willing to do some shifts, but more people need to be more active in the protection of the club,” Geek speaks, and then we all watch as his face loses all its color, and his mouth hangs open.
Excuse me, fuckhead. Did you just demand for me to do something, you motherfucking grunt!” I yell and watch as Eagle and Coin pull back and let their fists fly. Coin connects with Geek’s stomach, and Eagle connects with his eye.
The impact of their punches landed Geek flat on his back and knocked out cold.
“Fancy, get a bucket of ice water and dump it over this dipshit’s head,” I yell at the muffler bunny, who was just bouncing on Coin’s cock.
We watch as she jumps up naked and runs toward the kitchen.
“Now that is a sight I like to watch, tits flapping all over and the jiggle of her fucking ass as she runs. I can’t wait to get my cock back inside that,” Coin groans and adjusts his cock.
I shake my head and watch her come back with a large bucket of water before I state, “The kid is correct, though. We need to do more with the surveillance around here. When the dumbass comes to, he has bathroom duty, make him start with the gross ass muffler bunny bathroom, too. Those bitches are fucking pigs.”
Then we watch in fascination as Fancy dumps the bucket of water on his head and watch him spring forward with a yell.
Coin scoops up Fancy and takes her to the fuck room before yelling over his shoulder, “I’ve got my dinner for tonight.”
Chapter Five
“Amelia, you need to get your ass into the station. We are short-staffed. I know it’s your day off, but we just got called out on a big fire and it’s all hands-on deck. I expect you to walk through the bay doors within the next five minutes.” The chief’s voice states on my answering machine.
That was two minutes ago, and now here I am, pulling up in front of the firehouse. All I have to do is jump into my gear and onto the truck.
Running through the bay doors as the first truck pulls out. I run to my gear and jump in and jump on the truck as I finish doing up the big coat.
“Job is a row house on the bad side of town. It’s all hands on the pipe when we get there unless otherwise told. Mackenzie, you’re on the nozzle. Aim for the high spots on the house. According to engine forty-two, the flames are high and on the roof.” The crackle of the chief’s voice comes through my earpiece.
The trip to the fire is literally a five-minute drive, made easy by the wail of the siren and the flashing lights. There is already a crowd around the fire, and that is my first stop as I jump out of the truck. Pulling my mask down as I approach the front of the truck, I see a group of bikers literally trying to push through the barrier of policemen and firemen.
“You have to let us through; there is someone still in the middle house,” the biggest one states.
With my mask and breathing apparatus on, I grabbed my ax and stepped in front of the group.
If you assholes don’t back the fuck up so that we can get this fire out, I’ll have no problem charging your asses for interfering. NOW! Get behind the fucking caution tape,” I yell while pointing the ax at the group.
I watch as they all stand there in silence and stop fighting, so I place my ax back on the truck and sprint to the nozzle.
“Mackenzie, full blast and aim high,” is yelled at me and I do just that.