Page 8 of From the Darkness
“You saw that, didn’t you? Her whole body got tense and then she dropped her head. I wasn’t the only one that saw it, right, Drills?” I state as I walk toward my bike.
“Eagle, look at me. Until we get her to be ours, we have to be careful. We don’t want to step on her toes and drive her away. Calm down and let’s go back to the clubhouse. Take our mind off the little firefighter and come up with a way to make her ours. Honestly though, Eagle, I need my dick sucked,” Drills says and taps me on the back.
I can’t think of anyone else touching my cock. If the muffler bunnies want my come, they can lick it off the inside of my thigh.
I will not let another woman touch my cock.
“Man, you can have any of them. The only woman I want touching my cock is her. She is the only woman that has made me come in my pants by biting my lip. I want to be able to tell her that since our kiss, my dick is clean. You can call me a pussy all you fucking want, but that’s the way I am going to do things,” I state and rev up my Lucille.
It didn’t take us long to get back to the clubhouse. I watch Eagle as he is sitting at the bar shooting the shit with Scribbles. Every single muffler bunny that has approached him has been turned down.
As I am sitting on the couch quickly mulling over what he said. I see where he is coming from, but fuck, she hasn’t even been with us together. She hasn’t agreed to be our old lady.
I am so lost in thought that I don’t notice when Sweet cheeks walks in and up to me. I am brought out of my thoughts when she squeezes my flaccid cock and asks if he needs some kisses.
I don’t even get to finish before my cock is out of my jeans and halfway down her throat.
I push her back and yell, “What the fuck do you think you are doing, you cunt? I didn’t give you motherfucking permission to talk to me, let alone touch my cock. Fuck off, you dumb bitch.” Stuffing my cock back into my pants.
She doesn’t move, she just sits there and then starts to laugh. “What, Drills, can’t get it up? Old age kicking in and you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction?” she yells.
“Bitch!” I yell as I rip down my jeans, give a few tugs on my cock and then grab her by the hair jamming my erection down her throat making her gag, using my hand I plug her nose, so she is focused on my words.
“You think you can come into my fucking clubhouse and talk to me like that? You are wrong!” I yell at her and watch as her eyes start to bulge out of her head.
I pull my cock out, letting go of her nose and watch her take big deep breaths, then I grab her hair and stuff my dick in her mouth again and growl, “You want my cock? You ask like a good dog. No, you beg like a fucking dog. Now, I am going to pull out, and you are going to go sit in the fucking corner until someone decides your pussy is needed. You won’t be coming today.”
I pulled out and push her back. Then turn, tucking my junk into my jeans and pause when I see everyone staring at me.
“If Sweet cheeks comes tonight, her ass is out of the club. Use her like the cheap slut she is acting like,” I state and walk toward my room in the back.
When I enter my room, I quietly close my door.
I don’t have a clue why she pissed me off with what she was doing. I mean, she has done that like five times a day for the last year and a half. I literally stopped jacking off because Sweet cheeks lips were wrapped around my cock frequently.
I flip on some music and lay down on my bed. I’ve got to get the emotions gone. I can’t believe I just treated a woman like how I used to see my mom get treated. What the hell am I thinking? Oh, I know what I was thinking, and I’ve got to figure out why that set me off so badly. Is it the fire bitch that has me in knots, just like Eagle?
A knock at my door brings me from my thoughts.
“It’s open!” I yell over the music and watch as Eagle walks into the room.
“You okay, Pres? I’ve never seen you lose your shit over a set of lips wrapped around your cock. I figured maybe it was just Sweet cheeks, so Vaps is outside your door waiting to please you,” Eagle states and goes to stand in the door where Vaps has just appeared.
“Hey, V, I honestly don’t want female company right now. My guts are in knots over someone, and I just want to listen to music by myself and see if I can focus myself,” I say, not moving off the bed.
She nods her head and walks back out.
“It’s her, isn’t it? You’re having the same feelings I am, aren’t you?” Eagle mutters.
I nod and sigh. He doesn’t say anything else, just closes his eyes and listens to the music.
We are both listening to our favorite song when my statement is made.
“Eagle man, I don’t want any other pussy. I want her. I want to show her that we are hers. I’d gladly be guided around by my dick if it’s her hand wrapped around it. We need to make her ours,” I say, and close my eyes. I don’t need to hear anything from him. I know that we are on the same page.
Chapter Seven