Page 12 of Her Temptations
Ispent all night dreaming of Rowan Bates, and by the time my alarm goes off I’m stiff as wood for her. It doesn’t take long to relieve myself, and after I lose my hard on I pull the sheets off and swing my bare feet out, planting them on the carpeted floor of the three-bedroom apartment I share with Dereck and Bryce. I rub sleep dust from my eyes and stretch out, hearing a few joints crack. What a relief. Someone yawns in the other room, and I pull on my pajamas and shirt before I head out into the kitchen.
“Dude,” calls Dereck from near the refrigerator. “We’re going to be late to the fucking class. Get it, fucking class?”
Pouring a cup of coffee, Bryce cocks his head. “Stop calling it that. You’re so fucking dumb.”
“What else am I going to call it?”
Bryce takes a sip of his coffee. “Call it what it is: Psychology of Sex and Intimate Relationships.”
Unlike Bryce, a cup of coffee wasn’t going to cut it for me today–too much tossing and turning last night. I couldn’t get Rowan Bates out of my head.
Fucking Rowan Bates. And this morning’s hard-on had her name written all over it.
I open the fridge and grab a can of Monster. Snapping the tab, I down three quarters of the can within seconds, and then reach into the fridge again for an extra.
“Whatever it’s called, I’m pumped,” Dereck says with a smirk. “Sex is right in the name of the class. Now that’s what I call an elective.”
“I don’t think this class is going to be as fun as you think,” Bryce said. “Have you read the curriculum? This class sounds hardcore.”
Dereck snickers. “Hardcore. Of course it’s going to be hardcore.” He nudges Bryce, who shoots him a look of distaste.
“You’re a lunatic.”
I chug the last of the sugary, green liquid and slam it down on the counter. My neurons jolt with the final gulp and I drag my sleeve across my mouth. I’ll definitely need a second can to get through this conversation. I let out a belch. “I read it. Case studies, a mid-term paper, and a final paper that is worth half our grade. I fucking hate writing. I don’t know why I agreed to take this class with you guys.”
Dereck scowls. “Dude, we’ll be writing about fucking. Porno-shit.”
Bryce shook his head. “Man, ‘relationship’ is also in the title. So is psychology, which probably means we’ll have to do a lot of research.”
“Maybe you need to do research, but I don’t. I’ve got a lot of experience on the topic of a good fucking,” Dereck says with a wink, thrusting his pelvis. Ever the grown up, our friend Dereck.
“You’re a fucking moron.” I check the time and take a few copious gulps of my second can of Monster. “I gotta go take a shower,” I say leaving the two guys alone in the kitchen.
In the next minute, I’m in the bathroom, stripping down. I hop in the shower and speed through, trying to keep my hand from grabbing onto my dick as fucking Rowan Bates pops into my mind … again.
Control yourself, Matt. Keep it together, man!
I finish my shower without jerking off–an amazing feat–and hurry into the bedroom. Once dressed, I gather my things and head out the door with my two best friends. We’re off to the “fucking class” and I hope it’s not a dud like that Human Anatomy snooze-fest had been last year.
We make it to class with a minute to spare, but the rest of the students beat us to the punch. The classroom is set up with tables of four, much like a lab of sorts. Bryce groans.
Dereck glances at me. “What the fuck?”
“Ah, yes, gentlemen,” the odd professor at the front of the room says. “Don’t be shy, come in. You may take that open table there.” He points to the only available table.
All three of us glance at each other for a second before Bryce shrugs and we mosey up to the table, taking our seats. Awesome. Not only do we all get to sit together, but we don’t have to sit with some rando. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.
We mosey up to the table and each take a seat. I glance at the stool next to me–it’s the only seat left in the whole class, and I imagine whoever that seat belongs to made a last-minute schedule change or something. If only I’d had that foresight, I wouldn’t be in this damn class. But I couldn’t let my bros down.
“Looks like it’s just us at the table,” Bryce says. “This should be interesting. I hope we don’t have any group projects.”
“Why not?” Dereck snaps. “Are we not smart enough for you?”
“You, D, are not smart enough for anyone,” Bryce says, and even I have to hide a smirk.
“Okay, class, are we ready to begin?” the Professor asks, and the class falls silent. Just then, the door opens, and I hear it shut behind me. Our professor motions to the empty seat at our table. “Come on in and have a seat there, please. Let’s get started everyone.”
I wrinkle my brows as Bryce and Dereck’s faces both turn pale.
“What’s wrong?”
Neither of them speaks.
I glance over my shoulder and see the girl who is headed right toward our table, bright-cheeked. She glares at me, and despite her look of contempt, the contents of my sex-filled dreams fill my head in a blistering mind-fuck. I swallow as my body reacts to hers, and it’s all I can do not to pop another hard-on for her right in this middle of this fucking class.
Before she sits down, I’m only able to mumble a few words: “Holy shit … Rowan.”