Page 22 of Her Temptations
“You okay, lady?” Rowan asks Carly, kneeling down on the other side of her. She won’t look at me, but it’s okay. I’m just as focused on her drunk roommate as she is right now.
“Too much to drink, I guess,” Carly says weakly. She tries to smile but it’s unsuccessful. She looks like she’d rather fall asleep instead.
“Does she need to go to the hospital, or something?” I ask like a dumbass.
Rowan smiles a gentle smile and shakes her head. “No, she’ll be okay. She just needs water and sleep.”
“Rowan is a doctor, you know,” Carly slurs, wiping her mouth again with the back of her hand. I cringe inwardly. “She takes good care of me.”
I look over at Rowan, who is flushing red.
“I’m an EMT,” she explains. “My major is nursing. I want to be an RN.”
Whatever I’ve been feeling for Rowan Bates suddenly intensifies tenfold. Of course she wants to be a nurse; she’s that kind of compassionate fucking person.
I can’t focus on that, not now, not with the way Carly is. My asshole daddy didn’t raise a quitter.
“Can you have Jason start the car?” I ask Rowan, who grabs Carly’s other arm so we can both pull her to her feet. I support Carly against me, holding one arm. Her head lolls. She’s about to pass out.
“Yeah,” Rowan says, taking a step back. “We’ll meet you out there.” With one last puzzled look in my direction she backs out of the bathroom, letting the door swing shut behind her. Carly moans and mumbles something incoherent, and I lean down and pick her up until I’m carrying her, letting her wrap her arm around my neck for support.
“Hey, man,” Jason says as I carry Carly out of the bathroom. “I don’t know if I want a drunk chick in my car. What if she hurls again?”
“Do it,” I growl, shoving past him. “Now.”
He doesn’t argue twice. Rowan is already outside, holding the back door of the car open so I can gently slide Carly in. She mumbles something again that nobody can understand, leans out the window for a split second as though she might vomit again, then passes out across the seat and begins to snore.
“I’m sorry about this,” I tell them as Jason drives. His eyes keep flickering to the rear-view mirror, probably checking to make sure Carly isn’t about to lose the rest of her dinner all of the nice interior of his stupidly shiny sports car. As soon as he pulls into the girls’ driveway, I jump out and jog to the other side to help Carly out, picking her up once again to carry her inside. Rowan is hot on my heels, and she passes me to open the front door.
“Um, how can I help?” Jason calls after us. I ignore him and carry Carly across the threshold and towards the stairs.
“Actually,” I heard Rowan say to him at the door, “I think I’m going to hit the hay, too. I’m sorry this date didn’t go as planned. Can we try again soon?”
“Oh, um, yeah, of course,” Jason says, not sounding pleased whatsoever. As I climb the stairs with Carly in my arms, I can’t keep the satisfied smirk off my face.