Page 31 of Her Temptations
“Well, you know …” he looks around awkwardly, blushing even harder, and it takes everything I have in me not to laugh. “I figured after our first run in that you’d say no if I asked you.”
“I probably would have,” I admit, savoring the pineapple taste on my tongue. “After all, I like to take charge in a relationship.”
Bryce is silent as he watches me, eyes reading my face like an open book. I feel like this man can see straight into my soul and out the other side. He just has that depth to him.
“Wow,” he says after a moment, nodding his head. “You really are different, aren’t you?”
“Different how?”
“Confident. Secure with who you are. You’re nothing like the girl I remember from high school.”
I take another drink, licking my lips. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“I think it’s a little bit of both,” Bryce says, shrugging a little. I keep my eyes on his, chewing on my bottom lip. I hadn’t exactly expected that.
“How is it bad?” I ask him. “Is it bad because I’m not such a loser anymore? Is it bad because I finally feel good in my own skin?”
“No, Rowan, that’s not why it’s bad.”
I lean forward until my face is only six inches or so from his, then I reach out a hand and place it over his, squeezing. “Then why?”
“It’s bad because there was nothing wrong with you to begin with,” he says finally. “It’s bad because three jerk guys in high school made you feel like you weren’t good enough, and that forced you to become an entirely different person. It’s bad because if you hadn't changed a single, tiny thing about you, you would still be the same woman you always were. The nerdy, super-intelligent, shy girl that deserved the same kind of respect that you still do now.”
I don’t know if it’s his words, or the way he says it, but for a moment that goes on for far too long, I’m speechless, and an emotion so intense washes over me. He’s seen right through me, just as I expected he would. What I never realized, however, is exactly how much he understood.
Without thinking twice about it, I pull my hand back from his and drop it into my lap, clearing my throat, hoping I’m not about to cry in front of my date. Bryce seems to sense something turn in me, because he smiles kindly and stands up to excuse himself.
“I’m going to use the restroom. I’ll be back.”
I nod and watch him go, a warm feeling spreading through my body and to the ends of my limbs. His words cut deep, but for the first time in a long time, the words didn’t cut to hurt me.
Feeling a bit sassier than I had been moments ago, I slide from my seat and cross the floor in the direction of the restrooms. A fire is burning deep inside, smoldering, growing with every mere second that passes. I want to hold Bryce, press my lips against his until we’re one person, a single entity combined as one.
Fanning myself, I lean back against the cut off, private wall between the two washrooms just as Bryce is coming out. He spots me there and stops dead, a smirk playing on his lips. I have my lip pulled between my teeth, teasing him, shirt drawn down a bit farther than it had been before.
“Well, hello,” he says, coming towards me. Slyly, I turn my body towards the women’s restroom and push open the door, poking my head in without taking my eyes off Bryce.
“Is anyone in here?” I call. “Somebody is trying to tow your car.” When no one answers, I take Bryce’s hand in mine and pull him in behind me, locking the door behind us.
“What’s going on?” Bryce starts to ask, but I press my lips to his to shush him, fingers on my right hand working down, towards the lump in his jeans that is growing steadily by the second.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Bryce holds my face between his hands, breathing heavily, and I shrug. I don’t care anymore. I want this. I want him.
“I think this is a great idea,” I whisper, and Bryce grins, his mouth hot against my skin. There’s a small box on the wall that holds individual packets of condoms, the perfect thing for a bar, I guess, and I grab one from the box and rip it open with my teeth. Bryce doesn’t have to ask twice. In one, quick, fluid motion he lifts me off the ground and sets me down on the bathroom counter, forcing my legs open with his knees. I’m wearing a dress tonight, one I wasn’t sure I could get on board with, but it seems to have worked out flawlessly as Bryce flips the skirt up and pulls me towards him until I can feel his dick throbbing hard against the front of his jeans. He kisses me, teasing my lips with his tongue, and I’m so hungry for him, hungry like a starving, ravenous animal.
“I want you inside of me,” I moan. I wrap my legs around his waist and use my feet to kick his jeans to his ankles until the only thing between his cock and me are two thin layers of fabric. Bryce nibbles on my neck as I move my hands down and push the boxers off his waist, then I allow my head to fall back as Bryce’s fingers work their way up my thigh, towards my panties, and he shimmies them off. As I grab the condom to slip on him, Bryce slides a finger inside me.
I gasp, lightheaded, as the fire in my abdomen licks flames against my insides. As Bryce forces a second finger into me, making me squeal, I slip the condom onto his hard cock. With a groan, Bryce pushes his body into mine, filling me up, and an electric shock of ecstasy rips through me. My fingers move to his head, tangling themselves in his hair, and Bryce rocks with my body, the two of us in sync, a single person.
“Oh fuck,” he moans, and I can tell he’s reaching climax; I am too, and my body tightens around his cock. I reach release before he does, and our lips meet once more as I slide my tongue between his teeth, teasing him, driving him over the edge.
Afterwards, we hold each other, unable to move, breathing heavy, trying to catch our breath. Bryce’s face is flushed, and mine is, too. I’ve never felt so fucking good. So alive.
“Jesus,” Bryce says, his forehead resting against my own as I button up his jeans for him. “You’re so fucking amazing.”
I laugh and close my eyes, breathing him in, wishing, for the second time in my adult life, that this moment would never end.