Page 60 of Her Temptations
“That’s too bad, because I could really use a date,” Jason says with a self-assured smirk. And while that stupid smirk makes me want to slap him across the face for some reason, I look over at Jamie, who shrugs. It’s Carly who smiles this time.
“Just come, Row,” she says sweetly. “I think we could all use some friendly heart to hearts.”
I take the paper from where it sits on the table and then fold it neatly, shoving it into the side pocket of my backpack. “I’ll think about it.”
“Right,” Jason says, straightening up. “I’ll see you at eight.”
“But I …” Before I can finish my sentence, Jason and Carly walk away, vanishing around a corner. Jamie and I watch them in silence until they are out of sight.
“That was weird,” Jamie says with a small shake of her head. “I didn’t know they were friends.”
“I don’t think they are,” I say curiously. “At least, they didn’t used to be. Not that it’s any of our business, I guess. Whatever makes their negative feelings towards me ease up, right?”
“Right,” Jamie says, but she doesn’t sound convinced. “Are you going to that party?”
“Should I?”
She shrugs, looking uneasy. “I know you’re trying to take your focus away from the boys, but I’m not getting a good feeling about this.”
“I don’t know, James,” I say, getting to my feet. After a second, Jamie follows suit. “Maybe this is exactly what I need … to go to a party, have fun, and get my mind off those three stooges.”
Jamie throws her arm around me as we walk, and I rest the side of my head against hers, grateful, as always, to have a friend that has always supported me, even if the decisions I make aren’t necessarily the right ones.
But who knows? Maybe this party is exactly what I need to get over Matt, Bryce, and Dereck.
Or so I can hope.