Page 62 of Her Temptations
There was nothing else, just that single text that made my spine turn to jelly with anxiety, real anxiety that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I frown at the screen on my phone and then type back a quick reply, shoving the cell back into my pocket before waiting for Jamie to respond.
“Change of plans, gentlemen,” I say, hopping to my feet. “Let’s go get ready for the party.”
* * *
It’s loud.Late. Music blares from the speakers around our heads, but drunk college kids still manage to whisper sexual come-ons at each other, their bodies writhing in the middle of the floor, hot and sweaty and intense. But I’m not focused on them. In the hour and a half the boys and I have been here, I’ve been focused on one thing and one thing only.
Jason and Rowan are sitting together on the ragged couch. Jason has one hand on Rowan’s waist and the other hand is holding her face to his as they kiss. I hate watching them, but I can’t force myself to look away. Something doesn’t feel right tonight, and it’s not just because of my feelings for Rowan Bates as I watch her and another dude suck face. I want to drink more, but at the same time I can’t stomach it. Not tonight.
“Hey man, I’m ready to go home,” Bryce says, coming up behind me to slap my shoulder. “This party blows. I’m tired.”
“Quit being such a fucking sissy,” Dereck says, punching Bryce in the shoulder. The beer in his cup spills over, staining the carpet under our feet. No one else even notices.
“Seriously though, is this what you two find to be a good time?” Bryce grumbles. “Watching Rowan swap spit with that douchebag?”
“We can leave when she leaves,” I growl. I expect Bryce to argue with me, Dereck even, but neither of them does.
“Fine,” Dereck says. “But I need to get laid tonight.”
“Like that’s something new,” Bryce grumbles. “You always need to get laid.”
“Both of you, shut up.” The words come out angrier than intended, but neither of my friends seem to notice.
“Want another drink?” Dereck asks, tilting his head at my near-empty bottle of beer. I shake my head, eyes still on Rowan and Jason. Bryce is watching her now, too, and a moment later Dereck falls silent as the three of us watch her from across the room. We don’t know what we’re watching, or why, but there’s something off-putting about the way Jason has his hands all over Rowan. I want to kill the guy.
“Just keep eyes on her,” I tell my friends. “I don’t like this.”
“Should we intervene?” Dereck asks, and I shake my head.
“No. Not until she needs us.”
“What makes you think she even wants to be around us right now?” Bryce shakes his head and swallows, then sets his empty cup aside, abandoning it, but he doesn’t move in for a refill.
“She might not,” I say with a shrug. “That’s why we’re standing back here.”
“Evening, gentlemen,” a female voice says behind us, bumping me from behind. I turn to look in time to see Carly insert herself into the middle of our little group. She’s drunk, per usual, and if the flushed skin and glazed eyes of a vodka-induced stupor wasn’t already evident, her stumbling is.
“Hey, Car,” Dereck says pleasantly. I’m relieved, if anything, that they’re on better terms again. More woman drama is the last thing we need in an already overflowing circle of crisis.
“Hi,” Carly purrs, pushing her body against Dereck’s, and Bryce and I exchange an eye roll. “Care to join me somewhere private?”
For a moment I think Dereck is about to take her up on it. Not that I can blame him, of course, because as fun as it is watching the girl we all like make out with another guy, sometimes it’s just not worth the pain. But, he doesn’t.
“Sorry, girl, can’t do it,” he says, taking a slow step away from Carly. “I think we’re getting ready to head out, anyway.”
“I’m here if you change your mind,” Carly says, finishing off the rest of her drink. She tosses her hair over one shoulder and turns to leave, but not before looking at Dereck once more. “She’s not worth it,” she says with a small shrug. “Rowan, I mean. She’s not worth the time you’re all putting into this. I can promise you that.”