Page 70 of Her Temptations
Istare at Rowan’s response, reading it again to make sure I’m not getting anything confused. I absolutely expected her to turn me down, maybe not even respond at all. But she hadn’t. She was on her way here.
“Shit.” I slip the phone back into my pocket and look down at dirty jeans and greasy hands from working on the engine. I’m tempted to run up to my bunk to change, but that would be stupid. I’m at work, it’s my job to look like this.
“Hey kid, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Hallie, one of my crew, teases, coming up behind me. “Are you talking to your girlfriend?”
I haven’t told anybody about Rowan, let alone any other girl, but Hallie is constantly teasing me about it, anyway.
“Her name is Rowan,” I say, neither confirming nor denying that Rowan Bates is, indeed, my girlfriend. “She’s going to stop by for a bit.”
Hallie grins widely just as my captain, Tate Becker, pops his head into the bay. “There’s someone here for you, Nelson,” he says, and then glances at Hallie. “A girl. A nice one, too.”
If I were capable of blushing, I probably would have done so.
“Back off for a minute, I’ll bring her in for introductions soon.”
“Sure thing, kid,” Tate says, grinning at me as I pass him and go to the front of the station to get the door. Rowan is standing there looking around, her hands clasped in front of her, surveying the building. But she doesn’t look out of place. She looks intrigued.
“Hi,” I say, coming up behind her. Rowan wheels to the side to look at me, a smile lighting her face when she sees me, which is certainly a better greeting than the usual loathing scowl.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?” she asks. “It doesn’t even feel like a station, it feels like a home.”
I step towards her and reach for her hands, and she doesn’t fight me. I hold them between my own. “You look beautiful.”
“Oh, God,” she says with a giggle. “I look like shit and I’m hungover, as well.”
“It’s not possible for you to look bad.” I raise the back of her hands to my lips and let them linger on her skin for a moment. The flush in Rowan’s cheeks grows, and I wink at her. “Do you want the grand tour?”
“Yes please.”
I drop one of her hands but keep hold of the other, then lead her first to the firetruck and ambulance bay. The place is deserted, as two trucks are already out on a call and everyone else is probably in the kitchen.
“The truck is huge,” Rowan says, peering up at our red fire engine. “Do you get to drive it?”
“Sometimes.” I open the engine door and climb into the jump seat area, turning around to grasp Rowan’s hand and help her up after me. We shut the door behind us, basking the dim light of the powerful truck.
“This is … sexy,” Rowan says quietly, and she grins again. God, I fucking love that grin.
“You like a man in uniform, yeah?”
“Guilty as charged.” Rowan’s eyes take me in as we sit down together, those emerald eyes reading me like an open book.
“Well, you might have some competition, because Bryce is going to a doctor, and Dereck wants to be a detective, of all things.”
“I—I didn’t know that about Dereck,” Rowan says awkwardly, but she doesn’t look completely surprised. I can tell she doesn’t know what else to say, and truth be told, neither do I. So we say nothing. Instead, I reach out and rest my fingers on Rowan’s cheek, drinking in the warmth and softness of her skin against my own rugged hands. Rowan closes her eyes and sighs, a small breath of air escaping from between her lips. I lean into her, bringing her face to mine, and kiss her. I hold myself back, waiting for any indication from Rowan that I’m overstepping my bounds. That she doesn’t want to do this. But there isn’t a single one. Instead, she kisses me back, scooting closer as one of my hands goes behind her head and the other strokes her inner thigh. Rowan moans softly and bites my lip, urging me further, but then she leans back, looking flustered.
I reach into my back pocket for my wallet and pull one out. She rolls her eyes but smiles. “Of course you do.” Her hands drop down near my lap, her fingers playing with the button on my jeans as she leans in and kisses me again. I’m already hard for her, my dick throbbing against the seam of my slacks, pleading for release. She undoes the button and frees me, her fingers circling the tip of my cock, a sexy glint in her eye. Then, with a little help from me, she shimmies out of her own pants, kicking them aside as she sits back down.
“Jesus, you’re going to kill me,” I groan. Rowan takes one of my hands and places it on the inside of her thigh, rocking her hips a bit in desire. She takes the condom from me, rips it open, and rolls it onto my dick, taking her time as each soft touch sends an explosion of need through me. Then, still smiling, she straddles me on the bench, slipping her wet pussy over me, filling me up.
A groan escapes my throat as Rowan begins to move her hips. She throws her head back and I kiss her neck, thrusting up to meet her, pulling her body against mine as closely I can, molding the two of us into one. She feels so good, so fucking good, and I close my eyes as Rowan leans in and slips her tongue between my lips, exploring my mouth with hers. I moan again, louder this time, and Rowan giggles and puts a finger to her lips to shush me. Then she kisses me again, so hard and so passionate that I feel I might explode from within.
“Oh, fuck,” she cries, and I feel her tightening around me as she comes, and a second later, I release, too, holding her against me like a lifeline, both of us trembling, sweaty, and unable to let go.
We sit like that for a minute or so, leaning against each other in silence. Rowan rests her forehead against mine and smiles, then closes her eyes to catch her breath.