Page 114 of Love Plus One
In two steps, Taz had me lifted up in his strong arms, perched above him. I was giggling like a kid, as he spun me around.
“Taz, stop, please,” I begged. He stopped and released his hold on me enough that I slid down against him, feeling every part of him as I did.
His hands gathered my hair at the nape of my neck, pulling my face to his as our lips met. I laced my arms around his neck and kissed him with matching fervor. I felt his hands on my breasts, massaging them as his lips moved to my ear.
“Are we good to go, babe? You been taking your pill like a good girl?”
“Mmm, yes,” I replied, my lips teasing his. “We still have to use condoms for another week.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“You’re staying with me tonight after Slate and I finish up, here.”
“Okay, Taz,” I replied, molding myself to him. We were still kissing when Slate returned and cleared his throat.
“Ready, Taz?”
I took Bryce from him and got him settled with some of his toys in the kitchen while I cleaned up the dinner dishes and loaded the dishwasher.
Slate was questioning Taz about someone named “Calvin” who apparently had been randomly shot a couple of hours after he had bonded out of jail.
As soon as I finished in the kitchen, I took Bryce into the bathroom and ran a bath for him, putting his tub toys in that he loved playing with. He splashed around for a while and then we got down to business with the bath. He absolutely hated having his hair washed, but we got through it.
I put a clean diaper on him and got him in his pajamas. I took him by the hand and led him into the master suite so that he could say good-night to Mom. She was still up, watching a movie on television.
“Want some company, Mom?”
“Sure,” she replied, patting the bed beside her so Bryce would crawl up on it. He did and settled in next to her.
“He’ll be fine here until Slate comes in,” she said. “You can go about whatever it is you wanted to do this evening,” she said, noticing the fact that I had changed and made myself up since she saw me earlier.
“I take it Taz is back.”
“Yes, Mom, he is. I’m spending the night over there tonight, as a matter-of-fact.”
“Well, I hope you’re using protection, Lindsey. I’m not just talking about birth control either. I worry about you catching some STD you’ll have for the rest of your life.”
She was really getting on my nerves. She didn’t seem like my mother anymore. I realized she was ill and nervous; carrying twins that might not come to term, but why in the hell was she being so judgmental with me?
“Mom, do you need anything else?”
“No, Lindsey, I’ve had enough.”
I left Bryce with her and went to the living room and switched on the television. I wasn’t sure how much longer Taz and Slate were going to be.
I snuggled up on the sofa and had just dozed off when I felt Taz’s hands brushing my hair.
“Ready, baby girl?”
I pulled myself up, grabbing my jacket.”
“Oh yes,” I replied, shrugging it on. “Let’s go.”