Page 140 of Love Plus One
I launched myself out of his lap and went to the bedroom. He was following closely behind.
“What the hell?” he said, his hands on his hips, staring at me.
God, I loved him but he was not going to put this on me!
“I love you, Trace. I love what you did for me. I’m fucking glad you broke the rules, because now I can stand here and tell you in person that I love you. But, you knew what you were doing at the time, and you knew that there would be hell to pay, so pay it.”
“What if I don’t believe in it anymore?”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. This is about your pride and you damn well need to admit it. I am not going to let you make me the reason you walked away from your career.”
He raked his hands through his hair as if I was infuriating him. The truth was he was infuriating me. He was acting like a spoiled kid that didn’t want to do the punishment that came with the deed.
“You just need to man up,” I scoffed, knowing that statement would royally piss him off. I didn’t care.
“What did you say?”
I looked up into his blazing green eyes and smirked. “You heard me.”
He started towards me with a look on his face. I knew the look and my butterflies surged.
He was going to show me how much of a man he was and I was ready. Taz and I had done nothing since my injury. I needed to know that he still found me sexy despite all that had happened.
He stopped in front of me, his face softening. He pulled me against him and stroked my hair gently.
“I’m sorry, baby girl,” he said softly. “I didn’t mean to upset you with this. The most important thing is for you to get well, okay?”
He’s not going to touch me again.
I nodded against him, feeling comforted but not sexy.
“Let me get you tucked into bed. I’ll be in after the game.”
He tucked me in, kissing my lips and turned the light out, going back to the living room. I knew he would come to bed later, when I was asleep.
This was the routine now. I realized the whole topic of sex had become taboo. I couldn’t blame him for being repulsed. I was damaged in so many ways.
I grabbed a beer from the fridge and settled back down in front of the television. There was a wall-mounted, flat screen in the bedroom which would be way more comfortable for me, but I couldn’t risk being that close to Lindsey.
Hell, I wasn’t even sure what I was watching on television. It certainly held little interest for me.
All I could think about was her. The little shit had gotten in my face good this evening. She told it like it was, and she was right. All I had ever wanted to do was be an agent. I loved the bureau. It was my passion.
I couldn’t get past the part about Slate writing me up, though. I’m sure Sammie didn’t know, but even if she did, it wouldn’t have made a difference. He was obligated as my senior officer to administer disciplinary action, when required. I had clearly broken procedure even after he had warned against it.
Did I regret it? Hell, no. Would I do things any differently if faced with the same situation? Hell, no. Was it Slate’s responsibility to treat me the same as any other subordinate agent? Yes, it was.
I thought of how fired up Lindsey had gotten with me earlier, and I had to smile.
She had given me one of her haughty “I dare you” looks and I had nearly toppled on top of her to show her just how good I could man up. I had to remind myself that she was fragile right now. I couldn’t do anything that might trigger a memory of what that sick bastard had done to her.
Lindsey had made no overtures with me for sex. I knew she was self-conscious about the colostomy bag. The doctor had told me that we could resume sex. Kyzer hadn’t damaged her female parts. I just wasn’t sure how much other stuff he had done to her. She wouldn’t open up about it all. I worried that the sight of my dick might send her into hysterics. I was at a loss as to how to approach her. I decided I would let her set the pace.
I was bored with whatever was on the television so I shut it off. She was most likely asleep. I took a warm shower and dressed in some PJ bottoms and a tee-shirt.