Page 148 of Love Plus One
“Shit, I’ve got to head home. I need to get that romantic dinner started before Taz hits the door. He’s on his way already.”
“Yeah, I’ve got to wax,” she replied, smiling.
I gathered my all my stuff, shoving it into my knapsack. I pulled a tee shirt on over my skimpy bikini.
“Thanks for the gift, Darce. Taz will love it.”
“Call me tomorrow and give me the all clear to run my mouth, okay Linds?”
“You got it,” I said, putting my flip-flops on and heading towards her driveway.
By the time I got home, I had exactly twenty minutes to get dinner going. I put a salad together, heated up some left-over mac and cheese, and put a couple of pork chops under the broiler on low heat.
I set the table in the kitchen, pouring ice-water into the tumblers when I heard him come through the front door.
“Hey babe,” he called out, coming down the hallway.
“I’m in the kitchen,” I hollered back, checking the pork chops.
“Mmm, something smells good,” he said, coming into the kitchen. He saw me, wearing nothing but the tee shirt I had thrown over my suit, and the flip flops.
“Where were you when I called?” he asked, popping a cherry tomato from the salad into his mouth.
“Oh, I was swimming at Darcy’s,” I replied. “Give me a minute to change.”
I went into the bedroom, shrugging the tee shirt off and over my head, not realizing Taz had followed me in there until I heard the long, low cat whistle he gave me when he saw my gift from Darcy.
“That is some skimpy suit,” he said, walking towards me, the intent in his eyes very clear.
“Taz,” I started, as he reached over and untied the strings in the back, my top falling to the floor.
“What?” he asked, right up on me, his hands, pulling at the strings on each side of the bottom, releasing the small, triangular pieces of material that covered the front, and barely the back of my ass.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he said, a wide grin spreading across his face. He was checking out my new tat, and I knew he loved it. “What have you been up to, baby girl?”
I turned around to face him, showing off my new piercing.
“Just wanting to look sexy for my man,” I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing myself into him.
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you,” he said, his hands framing my face as he lowered his lips to mine, kissing them over and over very softly.
“Umm,” he moaned, “I have missed you so much, baby. You have no idea.”
“Maybe you should shut the broiler off, Taz. This might take a while.”
An hour and two mind-blowing orgasms later, Taz and I rolled away from each other.
“Tell Darcy I totally approve of your birthday gift,” he said, giving me his sexy grin, “and let her know that I loved the surprises.”
“Did that work for you, Agent Matthews?”
“Oh, absolutely, baby.”
“And I still have one more surprise left for you.”