Page 152 of Love Plus One
“Yep. You got a problem with that?”
“We’re going to need a bigger place, Taz.”
We laughed together, diving under the covers together and playing until we finally fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.
December 12, 2014
Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, Virginia
I had been pushing for what seemed like hours even though by the clock on the wall opposite me indicated it had been more like twenty minutes. My mom was there next to me, dabbing my sweaty forehead with a cold, damp cloth.
“Where in the hell is Taz?” I was gritting my teeth as the next contraction came over me.
“Slate finally found him, honey. He is on his way.”
“I don’t get it,” I hissed. “You delivered two babies and Slate made it both times.”
“You know how it is, Lindsey, these things happen. You’re a little early, too.”
I was clutching the rails of the hospital bed, my knuckles turning white. I wanted to cuss but I wasn’t comfortable doing that in front of my mother.
I’d have no such concerns doing that if Taz were here like he was supposed to be. I was mentally flipping him off at that moment, with love, of course.
Just then my baby’s sperm donor popped in, dressed in his scrubs with a big smile on his face.
“It’s about damn time, Taz,” I snipped.
My mother was anxious to be relieved of her bedside post as labor coach, I could tell. This transition stage was bloody hell.
“She’s allowed to push now,” she said, heading out. “When they check her, and can see a fifty-cent piece of the baby’s head, she will be taken to delivery. They’re out of birthing rooms. Take care of her, Taz. I’ll be in the waiting room with Slate.”
Whoosh, she was gone.
“Somebody hasn’t been a good patient,” he chided, waggling his finger at me as he walked closer and leaned over the hospital bed. He pressed several kisses to my forehead.
“Ooh, you feel a little sweaty, babe.”
“You think, Trace?”
“Uh oh. You got that bulging-eye thing going on like when you’re pissed. I got here as soon as I could, sweetie. Were you nasty to your mom? She was like a bat out of hell getting outta here.”
I rolled my eyes, bracing myself for the next contraction which was right on top of me.
“She’ll forgive me,” I said. “Holy Mother of Christ, here comes another one.”
Taz held me up in a squatting position like we had learned in class. He coached me on my breathing, and as the contraction was winding down, he squeezed my hand to start the relaxation breathing.
“That’s my girl,” he said, soothing me. He rubbed my back and I actually started to feel more relaxed. His presence could do that at times.
The nurse came in to check me. She announced that I could be moved to the delivery room.
Hot damn!
Taz held my hand as they wheeled my hospital bed down the busy corridor and into the delivery room.
Like clockwork, the doctor was there and the nurses, getting everything ready to greet Baby Matthews. Taz and I didn’t know the sex of the baby. We both kind of liked surprises.