Page 2 of Love Plus One
I had to admit Taz looked totally hot in the black tuxedo he was wearing. Actually, to be honest, Taz looked “hawt” in about anything.
“You know,” he said, “that champagne is going to give you a kick-ass headache; it’s the sugar content. The best way to avoid a hangover is to drink straight alcohol with water or over ice; no sugary mixers with it.”
“Well, Taz, thank you for the advice, although it comes a bit late,” I replied with a smile, downing the rest of the bubbly.
Several seconds later an unexpected belch surfaced, which I found thoroughly amusing.
“So,” he said, laughing at my uncouthness, “no date?”
“Nope,” I said, beckoning to the waiter who promptly returned with a full flute.
“What about you?”
“Same here,” he replied, taking a swig of his drink. “I thought you had some college guy in your knickers last year.”
Hardly in my knickers.
“Oh. You must be referring to Adam. Ancient history.”
“I’m sorry,” he said not sounding the least bit sincere.
“We’re still friends,” I replied, sipping my fresh flute of champagne.
“That’s always nice when it ends on a friendly note, I guess. Though I really wouldn’t know,” he said with a shrug. “Most of the chicks in my past give a parting request consisting of two words.”
“Which are?”
“Don’t call.”
For some reason, I found this hilariously funny. I slapped my hand against the table, laughing loudly.
“Hey,” he said, looking around, “how are you getting home? You aren’t thinking about driving are you?”
“No,” I said as if that should have been obvious to Mr. G-man Taz. “I’ll find a ride.”
“How about if I get you home now? I think you’ve probably had enough to drink, Lindsey. Are you even of legal age yet?”
“Oh, God, please don’t go all Slate on me now, okay? I am not a baby, Taz. I’m nearly twenty-one so what the hell?”
“I can see that, baby, but as the Best Man, I do have certain responsibilities and obligations toward the Maid of Honor.”
Oh really?
“Hmm,” I said using a throaty, flirtatious voice. “Do tell?”
“I need to make sure that I get my best buddy’s step-daughter home safe and sound, that’s what I’m telling you.”
“You’re a real buzz-kill, Taz. I’ve had a screwed-up couple of years, and by God, I’d like to party for once. If you’re not going to party with me, than just split, okay?”
I downed the rest of my champagne and stood up fully intending to find another full glass.
I staggered toward the back bar; stopping to take my heels off. There. Much better. I was nearly to the bar when I felt a strong hand grip my arm, turning me around.
“Come on,” Taz said, an authoritative edge now present in his voice. “You’ve had enough and I am taking you home.”
I tried to pull away from him without making a scene in front of the scattering of guests that still remained. He was too strong. His grip remained firmly planted on me until he helped me locate my coat in the vestibule.
As I started to walk towards the exit door, once again I was pulled back.