Page 21 of Love Plus One
He ended the call having the last word. How freaking ballsy was that I thought.
I used the restroom while I was close by, and then returned to our table. Darcy was just coming to sit back down from the dance floor.
“What was that about?” she asked, her eyes sparkling devilishly.
“Taz is on his way to pick me up,” I said, still stunned by the conversation.
“Shut up!” she screamed. “Are you serious?”
I nodded.
“You are going to lose that cherry tonight, girl.”
“With any luck,” I said, feeling giddy now, and a bit frightened at the same time.
I drank the rest of my drink. It wouldn’t hurt to have a bit of liquid courage.
“Hey, what about you,” I asked, “are you okay to drive?”
“Sure,” she said, nonplussed. “I’m only three miles from home. I’m not drinking anymore anyway. I’ll leave after I make sure you get off safely,” she snickered.
Twenty minutes later my phone chimed. Taz was out front.
Darcy had chugged a full glass of water down and seemed to be fine.
She walked me out and I immediately spotted the shiny, black Corvette pulled up at the curb.
“Take care,” she said, smiling as she headed to the back lot.
I opened the passenger side door and saw him. He leaned down across the seat, looking up at me.
“Is she alright to drive?” he asked.
“Yeah, she’s fine,” I answered climbing in, trying to do so without showing him everything, not that he hadn’t seen it all before. The short, tight skirt was not conducive to getting in and out of a low riding sports car.
“What would you have done if she hadn’t been?” I asked, looking around the two-seater car.
“Made two trips,” he answered flatly, pulling away from the curb.
“So,” I started my stomach in knots from my nerves, “what’s on the agenda, Taz?”
“We’re going to my place,” he replied very matter-of-factly. “We’re going to fuck.”
My hands were folded in my lap. I could tell that my palms were sweaty. It had been all of thirty seconds ago that Taz had declared that we were headed to his place to fuck. I was in a daze, partially due to the alcohol consumption, mostly because I had no clue as to where the hell he was coming from right now.
“Wait,” I sputtered, finally. “What?”
“What part didn’t you understand?” he asked, glancing over at me as he headed up the entrance ramp to the interstate.
God, he was so flipping hot. I needed to put that aside for the moment. I was totally confused.
“I’m sick of having you under my skin,” he stated simply. “So, I intend to have you underneath me, on top of me, sitting on my face, but by God I am not having you under my fucking skin anymore. Period.”
“Just like that,” I said. “I have nothing to say about it, right?”
“That kiss you planted on me a few weeks back said it all, sweetheart. You want it, too. Tell me I’m wrong.”