Page 28 of Love Plus One
Lindsey’s car had been towed to a forensic lab in Richmond for a detailed analysis. The report was due tomorrow.
The local authorities had contacted the apartment building security manager. There were cameras scattered throughout the hallways and parking garage. Slate and I requested them to pull the tapes.
“So,” I said, once we had finished the review, “do you think it is the rat bastard?”
“My gut says it is. He needs something. She would be the only person he might feel would help him get it.”
“What do you think?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you think Lindsey has it in her to turn away her father if he asks for her help?”
“I’m not sure,” he answered honestly.
I wasn’t sure either. That would be a tough position for a young woman.
She had likely been the apple of Daddy’s eye; in the dark for all of those years thinking she was part of a normal family and then suddenly finding out her father is a fucking sociopath had to be really tough.
Jack Dennison was a textbook sociopath. We probably hadn’t even scratched the surface on that one.
“Do you think Dennison will try to hurt Sammie?”
“Not while I’m alive,” Slate replied.
Slate was so fucking in love with his wife. I guess that was how it was supposed to be.
My family was a different story. My mother and father had been together for thirty-five years. They were very social people, just not with each other. I never observed any bad behavior out of either of them growing up in Northern California, but then we weren’t exactly the Cleavers, either.
“Taz,” Slate said, turning to look me in the eye, “don’t do anything to hurt Lindsey anymore, okay?”
“Slate,” I said in a tone that had some anger creeping into it, “it is not what you think.”
“I don’t know what it is, Taz. You’re right. It is none of my business. I don’t even want to know the details. All I know is that Lindsey is a sweetheart, and she is my wife’s daughter. If she gets hurt, Sammie gets hurt. I won’t let that happen.”
“You have nothing to worry about, Slate. I don’t have any intention of hurting Lindsey. I promise.”
“Okay then, brother.”
Fall semester was officially over with the completion of the finals I took today. I was free until the second week of January.
I felt pretty good about how I had done on my exams. Even with the crap that had happened three days ago, I was able to concentrate on my studies.
Jill had left this morning for Seattle to spend some time with her family and her real boyfriend. I had to smile when I thought back to her tears and sniffling last night when she told Gabe she would see him in January. I hadn’t cried like that since - well since Taz had dissed me for being a virgin. I was so over that.
I walked out of Sumner Hall. It was chilly in mid- December in Virginia. I looked around and quickly spotted Kyzer. He was waiting for me just outside the door as promised.
He had been taking me to and from school since my car had been towed to some forensic impound facility for examination. I liked that he wasn’t nosy about it. He knew something had happened and he wanted to help.
Kyzer Stanfield was pure Ivy League in looks and manners. He was also a jock which was a nice blend of characteristics in my book. He was about six feet tall, slender but muscular, had blond hair and brown eyes. I had always thought that to be an attractive combination.
“There you are,” he said with a smile. “How’d it go?”
“I feel pretty good about it; how about you?”
“I finished my last exam about thirty minutes ago. It’s hard to know. A lot of times when I think I’ve clinched it I’m unpleasantly surprised; conversely, there are times I feel I’ve totally bombed and I’m pleasantly surprised. I do know that I did all I could to prepare so I take satisfaction in that.”