Page 36 of Love Plus One
“Well, I’m sure there will be plenty of nut cases left to go around,” I said, laughing loudly.
I felt Darcy elbow me.
“I’m sure you’re right,” Patrick replied, giving me a strange look. “What about you? Do you attend college with Darcy here?”
“Yes, I do. I’m working on my B.S. in Economics.”
“I see,” he replied, nodding.
He thinks I’m in a boring program of study. I can tell.
“Darin says that he is going to be an undercover agent,” Darcy said, giving him one of her sexy little smiles.
Oh God, she wants him. I knew that look. Darin seemed to like her back. Great.
“Is that right?”
“Yes. It’s been my dream for a while. Your step-father is kind of my role model you could say. He is great.”
“How old are you Patrick?” I asked, not bothering to care how that sounded.
“I’m twenty-two,” he replied.
“Perfect,” I said. “Would you mind getting me another tequila sunrise from the wet bar downstairs?”
“Sure,” no problem he replied, taking my now empty glass.
Darcy was busy talking quietly to Darin; laughing at his jokes, and putting her hands on his arms and shoulders.
Yep, they were definitely doing the mating dance.
The alcohol seemed to be going straight to my head. I remembered then I hadn’t eaten much all day, just nibbling here and there while helping Mom.
Speaking of which, I hadn’t seen either Mom or Slate since coming downstairs a half an hour before.
That thought had no sooner left my mind when I saw Slate come into the room, looking around. He saw me and motioned for me to come over.
I wondered if he knew I was working on getting drunk. I did my best to walk the straight line over to where he was standing.
“Got a minute, Lindsey? Your mother and I would like to see you in our room for a few minutes.”
Holy shit - what is this about?
“Sure,” I replied. “Darcy, would you tell Patrick that I will be right back?”
“Sure thing,” she said, still totally mesmerized by Darin.
I followed Slate down the hallway and around the corner to the master suite.
Mom was sitting on the bed looking totally upset about something. She was dabbing her eyes with a tissue. She had been crying and it appeared she had been crying hard. Slate closed the door behind us.
“What’s wrong, Mom?”
“My father - your granddaddy suffered a massive heart attack late this afternoon, Lindsey. He passed away about an hour ago. They were at the airport getting ready to fly into Dulles to surprise us for Christmas. Mom said it happened just like that. One minute they were preparing to board the plane, the next minute Daddy was gone.”
She began to weep loudly. I ran over to her, putting my arms around her.