Page 46 of Love Plus One
It was getting light out. I wondered if my family was up and about yet. I grabbed my purse from his sofa and turned to leave.
He hauled me back to face him.
“So, you’re just going to leave without saying good-bye? Damn girl, did you leave my money on the dresser?”
I saw immediately that he was teasing me. He was being playful. He probably thought I felt embarrassed or self-conscious about what had transpired between us.
The truth was I was fine with it. Still, I couldn’t help giggling at his attempt to look injured.
I stood on my tiptoes and put my free hand around his neck. I kissed him softly on his lips. He kissed me back, his hand reaching over to tousle my hair.
“Merry Christmas, Taz.”
“Merry Christmas, baby girl.”
As luck wouldn’t have it, the whole household was up when I quietly let myself in the front door.
Not only that, but they were all perched in various seating positions in the living room, watching Bryce trying to open his Christmas presents. Slate was on the floor beside him, trying to help.
Mom was immediately on her feet, her brow furrowed in anger or concern, possibly a combination of the two.
“My God, Lindsey. We were worried to death about you. The fact that my car was gone was the only reason we hadn’t phoned the police yet.”
My grandmother sat in stony silence as if she was still in a fog.
Slate looked up from where he was stretched out on the floor giving me a knowing look. It was almost as if he knew I had been up to no good.
“I’m really sorry, Mom. I couldn’t sleep. I’m upset about Granddaddy. I just needed to take a drive, to think about things. Do you realize how much loss I’ve suffered?”
I felt a little guilty about laying that on her, but it was the truth.
Mom had felt relief when my father left her life. I could understand her feeling that way under the circumstances, but she had to realize that for me it was different. He was still my father no matter what, and for nearly nineteen years, he had been a pretty damn good one.
“Sweetie, we all feel the loss of your granddaddy but to just take off like that without telling anyone or leaving a note, it was inconsiderate. We were worried.”
“I’m fine, Mom. I just have a lot to deal with right now.”
“We all do, Lindsey. The way to deal with it is to behave maturely. That is not what you did.”
“I said I was sorry, Mom. What more can I say? I’m sorry for the loss of Granddaddy. I’m sorry for the loss of your father, and Grandma’s husband, okay? I lost a father too, you know? I know that doesn’t count with you, but it damn sure counts with me. Am I just supposed to write him off so easily, like you did?”
My voice had risen with each word that spilled out. I was angry. I saw the look of pain in her eyes when I lashed out at her. For that moment, I just didn’t care.
“Lindsey,” Slate said, his tone taking on a warning edge.
I whirled around to look at him. “Lindsey what?” I asked harshly. “This is between my mother and me, Slate. You need to stay out of it.”
He was on his feet in a split-second. I saw Bryce jump as Slate’s voice got loud.
“She is also my wife, dammit! I won’t have you disrespecting her in our home. Do you understand?”
His incredibly blue eyes were flashing with anger.
I shrank back from him knowing that I had crossed the line. In all honesty, I had never talked to my mother like that before. I never had reason to; but I still felt it was time I stood my ground with her.
“I apologize, Mom,” I said. “I’m sorry, Grandma.”