Page 62 of Love Plus One
I lifted the stems up and saw there was a small envelope with a card underneath. I pulled it out and opened it. The message on the card was typed. It read:
‘The unfortunate death of Sidney Banion may be the end for him, but a new beginning for others. That which is hidden must be found and protected.’
“What the hell?” Darcy said as I handed the card to her. “Is this a condolence or a threat?”
“I don’t know what to think of it,” I sputtered. “It just seems like a weird message for me.”
There was no way to tell what florist had delivered it. The box had no markings whatsoever on it.
Darcy and I both jumped when my phone rang. I reached over and saw that it was Slate. He was probably wondering why I hadn’t called him yet.
“Hey, Slate,” I answered.
“I was just checking to see if you were still on the road. I was watching traffic on the interstate on my iPhone and saw that there was a major accident about ten miles north of your exit. Where are you?”
“Oh, uh we’re home now. I’m sorry. I was getting ready to phone you. I’ve got my car now so everything is fine.”
“Well, that’s good,” he said. “We’re going to be taking off for the airport in about an hour.”
“I had a dozen black roses delivered here today with a weird note inside. I’m not sure who sent them or what the message means, but it has something to do with Granddaddy.”
“Read the note to me, Lindsey.”
I did has he instructed. I heard him curse at the other end.
“Listen,” he said, “I need to call this in to my superior. Since I’m leaving town, someone needs to investigate this. Make sure you keep those roses in the box and don’t touch them anymore, okay?”
I nodded.
“Lindsey, did you hear me?”
“Oh, yeah Slate, I will.”
“I want you to go and immediately wash your hands with hot water and anti-bacterial soap. If Darcy touched them, have her do the same.”
“Do you think they were poisoned?”
“At this point, anything is possible. This is some crazy shit. Just please, do as I say. I’ll call you back as soon as I can. In the meantime, do as I instructed.”
I got off of the phone and told Darcy what Slate had said. We both made a beeline for the bathroom and scrubbed our hands with scalding water and plenty of soap.
Afterwards, I returned to the living room with a pair of rubber gloves covering my hands. I gingerly lifted the cover of the flower box that was still on the sofa and place it back on the box. I couldn’t bear to look at those roses ever again.
It was about forty minutes later when Slate called back. He was just getting ready to leave for the airport. He said that someone from the department would be at our apartment within the next few hours. He told me to sit tight and relax. He said the feds would be handling this and would involve the local authorities on an “as needed” basis.
I promised him that I would. He said he would call later when he got to Indianapolis. I asked him to not let Mom know what was going on. I knew how she would worry. He agreed for now we would keep her in the dark.
Kyzer had picked me up right on time dressed in designer casual. I had opted for a new pair of tight jeans with a V-neck sweater Mom had bought me for Christmas.
“You look great,” he greeted me as I opened the door for him.
I grabbed my leather jacket and told Darcy I would see her later.