Page 70 of Love Plus One
There was nothing in particular that stood out in any of the information or bios, yet instinctually something seemed not quite right. Younger women marry older, wealthy men all of the time. There was certainly nothing there that connected Jack Dennison with the Stanfield’s.
I still planned to keep a close watch on Kyzer. His deepening interest in Lindsey and desire to take care of her and see to her safety didn’t sit well with me for a couple of reasons. It wasn’t simply my knowing that he wanted in her panties; though the thought of him being inside of her seriously made me want to shoot his preppy dick off. It was more than that.
It seemed too coincidental with the timing of events. Why in the hell was he attending the University of Virginia, anyway?
Hell, his old man was a graduate of Columbia. They certainly had the money to send him to a university of that caliber. It wasn’t close to home either.
I pulled up my cell phone and called Kim back at the division.
“Hey, sweet thing,” I crooned to her when she answered.
“What do you want from me now, Taz?” she asked, trying to sound irritated. I knew she wasn’t. She liked the way I flirted with her.
“I just need one little thing, darlin.”
“Which is?’
“I need the transcripts for Kyzer M. Stanfield, DOB: 1-10-92 from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.”
“Uh huh,” she said. “Who signed the warrant?”
“Come on baby, don’t be like that. If I had a warrant I wouldn’t be on the phone listening to your sweet voice, now would I?”
“Taz, you’re going to get me fired.”
“No one is going to catch you, baby, because you are the best. You’ll be in and out of their mainframe before anyone is the wiser.”
“Ohhh,” she said, totally frustrated with me. “I’ll have it to you in five, but I swear to God Taz, this is the last flippin’ time, okay?”
“You are my girl, Kim.”
I could feel her smile from the other end. As much as she bitched about my hacking requests, she had yet to turn me down.
“Yeah, Taz; I feel the love.”
True to her word, five minutes later I was pulling up the transcripts she had hijacked for me.
Bingo! Kyzer Stanfield had enrolled just last fall at the University of Virginia. He hadn’t even declared a major. He had previously attended Hodges University in Naples, Florida. He had been enrolled in the B.S. degree program for Business Administration.
How fucking coincidental was this? He had enrolled in U of V starting the same semester as Lindsey. I wondered if Lindsey was aware he was a transfer student.
The courses he was taking presently made no sense. There were the two classes he had with Lindsey, the rest were all science classes: Organic Chemistry, Botanical Science, Agricultural Science. What the fuck was with this Poindexter?
My thoughts were interrupted when I got a text from the lab in Quantico. They had concluded the forensic analysis on the black roses. The report would be forwarded to me electronically before the end of the day.
I glanced at my watch. I had a few minutes before Lindsey would be getting out of her first class. I reached into my glove compartment and pulled out the government-issued universal remote. I pointed it towards Kyzer’s Benz and hit the “unlock” button. Bingo!
I got out of my truck, and opened the back door, pulling the GPS Fleet Tracker device and the wiring harness out of the box. The other one was going on Lindsey’s car.
Within five minutes, Kyzer’s Benz was officially on my radar, activated for the U.S. and Canada. These new systems were superior to any of the ping-based products. Having it hardwired to the battery allowed for no interruption of tracking. The location tracking automatically updated every ten seconds real time. It was compatible with my smart phone and lap-top.
Lindsey’s class was over by this time so I swung my truck back over to that side of the campus and waited to take her to the next class. This was the Physics II class she had with Kyzer.
I felt a level of comfort knowing that I could track his movements in his vehicle. I was hoping that things would come to light soon.
Going through an entire day of having Taz there every time I turned around was disarming.