Page 80 of Love Plus One
“I have a ton of homework to get to when we get back to the apartment.”
“Lindsey, when we get back to the apartment, we need to talk, okay?”
I smiled at her hoping to offer some signal of comfort.
She looked over at me and for a moment I saw a look of alarm pass over her. She quickly replaced it with a weak smile.
“Sure, Taz, no problem.”
She turned and faced the window on her side, looking out at the passing scenery that she saw every day for the rest of the ride home. I wasn’t going to enjoy breaking the news to her one little bit.
Something was wrong. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. As inexperienced as I was with men and relationships, the dreaded words, “We need to talk” was never good.
All of a sudden the lyrics to that song by ‘The Fray’ that I used to listen to over and over again, drifted into my mind.
'Step one you say we need to talk. He smiles politely back at you.'
I looked out of the window of Taz’s truck and prepared myself for ‘the talk.’
'You stare politely right on through. Some sort of window to your right. As he goes left and you stay right.'
I was positive it had something to do with the fact we seemed to be getting closer. Taz was not comfortable with it. I sensed that immediately. Perhaps he felt that I was pushing him into something that he was not ready for right now, at least not with me. I tried to replay everything in my mind from the time we sparked.
For me, it was the night of the wedding reception when he took care of me. I had felt a spark right then and there. I wasn’t sure if the spark was purely physical or purely emotional, perhaps a little bit of both.
I was content with just enjoying the spark for whatever it was. I certainly was not well versed in the ways of seduction, nor had I pretended to be. The events that transpired after that were driven by Taz, not me.
At least I could take comfort in knowing that I had not been the aggressor, trying to coax him into some web of sex and emotional intrigue. I couldn’t have pulled that off if I had tried. I was clueless about men.
Whatever it was he was going to tell me, I would accept as a mature person. After all, I was not emotionally invested at this juncture. That wasn’t true and I knew it.
He tugged at my heart strings no matter how hard I wanted to deny it. Even so, I would roll with it with grace and dignity no matter what.
I knew that he was glancing over at me if not directly, then in his peripheral vision.
Oh my.
I needed to keep my composure and think of the positive side of it. I would eventually recover and go on with life as it had been before I met Taz. I could focus more on my studies without the distraction of this totally hot, sexy creature, who could make my toes curl with his touch.
Stop it, Lindsey, I scolded myself mentally. I needed to grow up and what better life lesson could assist in that than my first real heartbreak. I couldn’t actually even call it that. I wasn’t in love with Taz. Perhaps this would be a blessing in disguise. At least Darcy would be getting a good night’s rest tonight. I sighed audibly.
“Are you alright, Lindsey?”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re awfully quiet over there.”
'Let him know that you know best; ‘cause after all you do know best. Try to slip past his defense, without out granting innocence.'
I decided that The Fray knew what they were talking about in that song; the one that used to be one of my favorites.
“Look, Taz,” I said, releasing another long sigh. “If you think that we’ve let things go too far, we really don’t need to have a major discussion about it. I think we are both on the same page here. Things between you and I are too complicated and convoluted. I would simply prefer to not belabor the inevitable with some long, drawn out discussion.”
“I see,” he said, glancing over at me. “So, you think we’re on the same page then?”
“Yes, I do.”