Page 84 of Love Plus One
“Lindsey, I want you to go on the pill. Is that an issue?”
My stomach butterflies swirled. I had never gone on the pill because I had never needed to be on the pill. Taz now wanted me on the pill because he had plans to fuck me on a regular basis.
“No, Taz. It’s not an issue at all. I’ll see my doctor when I get back to Falls Church.”
“Good,” he said, lifting me off of him and giving me a playful swat on the rump.
“I’m going to grab a shower and shave. Then I would appreciate you spending time with me on the couch. There’s a game on that I want to watch, but I want you in my lap when I do.”
“It’s a date,” I replied, going to the kitchen for a glass of wine. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, Taz.”
And he didn’t.
He was back within thirty minutes, showered, shaved wearing his navy blue FBI tee shirt and navy blue cotton drawstring pajama bottoms.
He put the game on, pulling me onto his lap where we cuddled until I fell asleep. Sometime much later, I felt him carry me to my bedroom. He pulled the covers back and placed me gently on the bed. I felt him take his place beside me. His arms pulled me against him. We fell asleep curled around each other as if it was an every night thing. My Taz.
I got everything situated with the school on Friday.
I was taking a temporary emergency leave due to family illness. This meant that I wouldn’t be dropped from my program of study unless it extended into or beyond the following semester. I was able to work out transferring two of my classes to online status which made me feel better.
Back at the apartment, I packed up most of my clothes and personal items. I was carefully putting Robespierre on top of the clothing I had packed in the last suitcase when Taz wandered in.
“A childhood friend?” he asked, nodding toward the well-worn stuffed poodle.
“Sort of,” I replied smiling nostalgically. “It was a gift my father brought back for me when he traveled to France on business. It’s funny, I just found him again when I was home at Christmas. Mom had packed him up when she moved from Indy. Before I left for college, he was a constant in my bed at home.”
“It looks like he has seen better days,” Taz said, grinning. “Is that how I’m going to look one of these days?”
I looked up at him and saw his eyes sparkling mischievously.
“Very funny,” I replied, looking back at Robespierre with the tattered purple sash tied around his neck.
“Maybe I can spruce him up a bit,” I said, getting an idea from the purple satin ribbon I still had set aside when I opened the box containing the roses.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed the purple ribbon and a scissors and returned to my room. Taz was busy packing his duffel bag with the clothing he had brought for his stay.
I measured the silk ribbon from the box, and cut it to the appropriate length. I sat on my bed, and put Robespierre on my lap as my fingers worked to untie the tattered sash that was knotted around the neck.
I finally used the scissors to cut it off and unwound the rest of it. That is when I noticed how the stuffed poodle’s head now flopped to the front. That was strange.
I turned him over to check the back and saw that the seam had been ripped. There was a gap of a couple of inches. I could see the stuffing.
“Oh, he’s torn,” I remarked, sticking my finger in the opening and wiggling it. “Poor little pooch.”
Taz looked over and shook his head. “Well, we don’t have time for you to sew him up right now. We need to get going, baby girl.”
The index finger I had been wiggling inside of the stuffed toy came in contact with something. Taz glanced over and saw my furrowed brow.
“What is it, babe?”
“There’s something in here,” I said, poking my middle finger in to help grasp what turned out to be a small plastic bag with a sealed top.
It was one of those tiny bags like extra buttons are put in when you buy a coat, in case you lose one.
There was no button in this small, plastic bag. There was a key.