Page 90 of Love Plus One
“Thanks, Linds.”
I helped Mom change into a comfortable nightgown after she used the bathroom. She climbed into her bed and snuggled down under the covers.
I sat on the bed next to her my worry lines apparently showing.
“Lindsey, everything is going to be fine. I see my own doctor on Monday. Slate is taking me so don’t worry about that. The pain I am having is not related to everything else. Apparently, I have a fibroid tumor in my uterus that was causing the excruciating pain. The good news is as my uterus grows in the next couple of weeks, the pain will subside. The main concern is the TTTS. I could lose one or both of the babies.”
I saw her tear up and immediately, I took her hand in mine.
“I’m sure there is something they can do, right?”
She nodded, wiping a tear from her cheeks.
“There are a couple of options I guess. Periodic amniocentesis to drain off the excess fluid which would continue throughout term; or perhaps laser surgery to seal off the connection between the blood vessels depending upon where the placenta is implanted on the womb. We just don’t know anything definitive yet. That’s the hard part.”
“Mom, you didn’t even know you were pregnant? I mean hadn’t you skipped a couple of periods?”
“Well, the strange thing is that before Bryce was born, my cycles were like clockwork. After that, my periods were helter-skelter. That’s why we were having trouble conceiving this time. As it turns out, the fibroid tumor was responsible for that as well. So, it just didn’t strike me odd until that day when I was with your grandmother at the lawyer’s office, and I felt so much pain.”
“Well, the important thing is that you’re home now. Slate and I will take care of you. I am here just as long as you need me, okay?”
“I don’t know what I would do without you, Lindsey. I love you so very much.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
She was asleep within moments. I turned off the light and left the door open to her room in case she needed anything.
Slate and Taz were still in the family room. I could tell they were discussing bureau business. They looked up as I came into the room.
“Mom’s sleeping comfortably, Slate. I’m thinking maybe I’ll sleep down here after you leave.”
“That may not be a bad idea, Lindsey. I’m gonna to check on her. I didn’t give her a goodnight kiss.”
I thought it was so sweet the way that Slate fussed over her. It was usually the other way around. It did my heart good to see how he reciprocated.
I looked over at Taz after Slate left the room.
“I’m beat, Taz. I think I’m going to say goodnight. I guess you’ll be pretty busy over the weekend with your school work and getting ready for whatever it is you will be doing in Baltimore, right?”
He came over to where I was standing, pulling me into his strong chest.
“Hey, how about we spend some time together tomorrow? It’s Saturday, Slate will be home to handle things. It will probably be the last chance to hang out before I leave.”
“I’m sure we can work something out.”
“Good. I’m running that key to the lab in Quantico tomorrow morning. I’ll give you a shout sometime tomorrow afternoon, okay?”
“Sounds good,” I said, yawning.
“Get to bed,” he ordered softly giving me a quick kiss. “When Slate gets back out here I have to fill him in on that key.”
“G’nite, Taz.”
“G’nite, Linds.”
I got up early and tended to Bryce while Slate helped Mom get her shower and dress in clean sweats.