Page 22 of Her Three Rangers
The sound of the front door opening brought me back to reality with a jolt. Cody and I untangled from each other just as Ty walked in. My face was already hot and flushed from our kiss, but now it was burning even hotter as Ty gave us a curious look.
“I’m back,” he said, smiling. “Rambo was good. Everything good here?”
I nodded emphatically as Ty’s smile widened.
“Yep,” Cody said, his arm and leg still pressed against mine. “Everything is perfect here.”
“Grace?” Ty asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Everything good?”
“Perfect,” I repeated, even though my mind was swimming with conflicted emotions.
I wanted Cody, no doubt about that. But I also wanted Ty, if I was being honest.
And Jaeger, too.
Oh, God.
What was I going to do?
Chapter 7 - Jaeger
Taking a shower in an actual bathroom instead of that dog grooming basin at the clinic had been really nice. You don’t realize how much you take things like hot running water for granted until you have to go without it for a couple of weeks.
Or until you have to squat down and shower in the same place as the German Shepherd.
“Hope you didn’t use up all the hot water, man,” Cody said, popping a towel in my direction as he walked into the bathroom.
“Maybe I did.” I shrugged, shoving a hand back through my still-damp hair. “Maybe I didn’t. Guess it’ll be a surprise.”
“I’ll get your ass back if you did,” he said, closing the door and locking me out of the bathroom as soon as I stepped out into the hallway.
“Hey, my clothes are still in there,” I knocked on the door. “In the dryer.”
“Maybe I’ve seen them,” he called back through the locked door. “Maybe I haven’t.”
I thumped the door with my fist once for good measure and sighed. I wasn’t about to beg, and even though I didn’t give a damn who might see me naked, I didn’t need Grace’s grandma yelling at me if she happened to come back out of her bedroom over the next few minutes.
So it seemed that I’d be sporting one of Grace’s fluffy yellow towels until Cody decided to stop holding my clothes hostage.
I walked into the living room just as Ty was walking out the door. “I thought you already left to check on Rambo,” I said, nodding toward the door and turning my head just a little so I could see Grace from the corner of my eye.
“That was where I just came back from. I forgot to stop by the tent and get some clean clothes for after my shower, though.” He looked down at my towel and quirked an eyebrow. “Did you need me to pick you up something, too? Or are you going for the toga look?”
From the corner of my eye, I could see Grace smirk. I reached down and not-so-subtly adjusted myself, letting my towel fall open just a few inches and enjoying a little smirk of my own as I watched her eyes widen.
Let’s see Cody or Ty compete with that.
“I’ll wait,” I answered. “I don’t mind air-drying a little while I wait for Cody to stop fucking around with my clothes.” I cut a look in her direction. “Excuse my language.”
She didn’t answer, and Ty simply shook his head before walking out the door and closing it behind him.
For a few seconds, I stood there, feeling a little uncertain for the first time all night. I knew for sure that I’d caught her checking me out, but not that I was looking directly at her, she didn’t seem as interested.
Only one way to be sure, though.
“Mind if I sit down?” I asked, crossing the room to stand next to the couch where she was sitting.