Page 32 of Her Three Rangers
“Oh, come on. Who else would it be?” She leaned back in the doorway, looking both ways down the corridor. “And I notice you didn’t deny it.”
Now it was my turn to laugh. “You are awfully persistent today.”
I was doing my best to dodge her question so I didn’t have to lie. She had let me get away with it so far, but I could tell from her expression that she knew the game I was playing.
“Fine,” she sighed. “Don’t tell me, then. But don’t think that means I won’t keep asking, because you know I will.”
“I know you will,” I nodded, picking up the paper I’d tossed aside a few moments before. “But do me a favor and ask again after lunch, because I’ve still got a lot of paperwork to get through between now and then.”
She sighed again, more dramatically this time.
At least she didn’t argue. I was going to go ahead and consider that a win.
Hopefully my artful dodging would put her off for long enough that I’d at least get to go on a date with each man before deciding if it was something I could continue with. It would be pointless to tell her all the details only to turn around and decide it wasn’t going to work out for me after all.
Except even as the thought occurred to me, I knew it was just an excuse.
I wasn’t worried about whether it worked out or not.
It was working out perfectly so far.
Ty, Cody, Jaeger, and I stood in the break room at the clinic while Ty went over the last minute details.
It was almost a comical sight—him in a button-down that looked tailor made and jeans that fit him like a glove, me in my low-cut little black dress, and the other two guys lined up like they were receiving orders from a drill sergeant.
We couldn’t have been a more mis-matched group if we had tried. To think that we were all sort of dating—well, to think that I was sort of dating everyone in the room—only made the scene more surreal.
But any comedic value was lost on me, along with most of the other details they guys were going over, since I couldn’t stop staring at Ty’s ass in those jeans.
Seriously, his ass always looked good, but tonight?
It had me more than distracted. It had me hot.
“You guys understand?” Ty was asking. “He doesn’t need any meds, or any pain pills, or anything like that. Your only job tonight is to make sure he doesn’t run around too much and fuck something up, okay?”
It only took me a moment to realize he was talking about Rambo. Ty’s German Shepherd was progressing really well in his recovery, but he still had to be careful not to overdo it. For a dog that was clearly used to a rough and tumble life, it was proving a challenge.
As cruel as it felt to deny him the opportunity to run around outside whenever he felt like it, it really was for his own good.
“We’ve got it, damn,” Jaeger said, heaving out a tired breath as he turned to Cody. “Why does it suddenly feel like mom and dad are leaving us alone for the weekend or some shit?”
Cody laughed, nodding at Ty. “You want us to promise not to throw any wild parties, Dad?”
I couldn’t help but join the laughter as Ty shook his head and grimaced.
“First of all,” he said to Cody, “don’t call me Dad. That’s just weird. You’re older than I am, anyway. Second, this shit is important. We can’t leave here until Rambo can leave.”
“Maybe we don’t want to leave yet anyway,” Jaeger said, shooting a quick look in my direction. “Maybe we’ll tell him to fake it for a few extra days, just in case.”
“Maybe you’re full of shit,” Ty said, shoulder checking his friend as he walked over to stand next to me. “I don’t know when we’ll be back, but it’ll probably be late. I assume the bars around here close at two?”
I nodded. “They do. Though it’s been a long time since I’ve closed down the bar. We might be back a lot earlier than that.”
“Fair enough,” Ty said, wrapping an arm around my waist and looking me up and down before turning back to the other two guys. “Regardless of whether it’s nine tonight or nine in the morning, I need you two to keep an eye on Rambo until we get back.”
Cody nodded and Jaeger gave a mock salute as we turned to walk out the door, heading to Grace’s truck
“Just so you know,” Ty said, his voice low and sexy as he leaned in close, “you look amazing tonight. If we do close down the bar, it’ll be because I want to look at those long legs for as many hours as possible.”