Page 12 of The Love In Sunsets
“But not called?”
“I don't have the same phone as I did before I moved and no longer have my old contacts unfortunately. I’m sorry. Give me yours now.” Tidal recited his cell number and Eloise did the same. “There, now you can text me.”
“Excuses, excuses,” he said with a very audible sigh. “So, what are you doing here? Are you back for good or just passing through town?”
“No, just for the summer, or staying. I don’t know. Right now, I’m helping my aunt with the showcase, hoping I have a piece she’ll want to display, and trying to build my portfolio. I think I want to try art school in the states, but I’m not sure. I went for a bit to a school in Paris and hated it. Are you home for the summer?” Eloise rambled.
Tidal laughed. “I never really left.”
“What do you mean? I thought you were going to go to UPenn?”
“I was, but then I didn’t and went to Boston College instead.” Tidal sighed again. “I don’t know. The thought of leaving made my gut twist.”
“You probably would’ve loved Penn,” she told him.
“Meh, maybe. I loved coming home on the weekends.”
“You’re never going to leave Seaport, are you?” Eloise laughed at her question.
“What’s the point?”
Eloise could easily agree. She longed to return. “Where’s Sail?”
Tidal groaned. “He’s a whole other story.”
“Do tell.” Eloise laughed.
“He’s at the University of Miami. According to Dune, Sail’s majoring in drinking and sailing.”
“Sounds about right.”
“Anyway,” Tidal sighed. “I’m glad you’re back. We should definitely hang while you’re here.”
“Where are you working this summer?”
Tidal laughed. “I manage the front desk at the Belvedere.”
“No shit?” The Belvedere Hotel was the most luxurious hotel in Seaport and catered to the elite of the elite. Rumors swirled about the creation of the hotel. Some say a millionaire from an extremely prominent family who were known to have summer cottages in Seaport built the hotel for his mistress. Others say he had nothing to do with the construction. Eloise believed the rumor mostly because it made more sense considering the family’s history in town.
“It’s a fairly new promotion. I’ve been there for a bit,” Tidal said with a shrug. “I know I’ll end up in the family business sooner or later, but for now, I’m doing my own thing.”
“That’s amazing. Congratulations. What’s Dune doing these days?”
“He took over Blue Lobster Adventures from my dad. He’s really turned the business around and it’s booming.”
“That’s good. I’ll have to take a tour or something. How’s your mom?”
“She’s good,” he told her. “Still keeping us boys in line.”
“I’m eating a Carter’s muffin right now. I missed them so much. They made me think of your mom. Where will I find her in town?”
“Definitely at the clam shack. She spends a lot of time there. Pearl would definitely like to see you. Are you staying with your aunt?”
“I am. I’ll have to walk over.”
“Or wait for her to hear you’re back in town. I’m sure she’ll come in.”
“Now it's a challenge.” Eloise laughed. “I’m sure I’ll be in the shack sooner or later. But tell her I said hi when you see her.”