Page 20 of The Love In Sunsets
“She does. Some of your aunt’s paintings hang in there.”
Eloise’s eyes widened. “Wait, the bowls Margaux has in the gallery, are those your moms? I love the vase we have on the front counter.”
Cliff nodded. “Yeah, they do this cross-promo thing, along with a few other businesses in town.”
“I love that so much,” she said. She caught Tidal staring at her. “What?”
He shrugged. “It’s just good to have you back. Sail’s bummed he’s not here.”
“Why didn’t he come home for summer?”
Tidal took a drink of his beer. “He and the old man don’t see eye-to-eye about some things. Sail wants to be on the water, all day, every day. Dad wants him to work. Sail doesn’t want to be in the family business.”
“Yeah, that family business can be messy.” Eloise laughed. When it came to her job or craft, no one had any expectations of her, other than herself. In fact, her father wanted her to go to college to do something that would give her a steady paycheck because he saw his father struggle to make money off his art. Margaux fared a bit better, but she had a degree in art and could easily take a job as a teacher. Once she opened the gallery, she gave Seaport something they didn’t have, and it quickly became a staple.
“Aside from the showcase, what else do you have planned?” Tidal asked.
“Nothing. I think I’m going to hang out, see what’s happening, and reconnect with friends. Enjoy some more of these Rock Lobsters,” she said as she held her empty glass up. Cliff stood and said he’d grab her another one on his way to the bathroom.
“Well, Harris, there are a lot of those around.”
“What Rock Lobsters or friends?”
“Definitely friends,” Tidal said.
“Good, maybe you can help me reconnect with more of them.”
“Without a doubt.”
Eloise stayed until last call. By the time those words echoed through Diego’s, she had three too many Rock Lobsters. Tidal did the gentlemanly thing and walked her home, even though she would’ve been happy calling for an Uber.
“I don’t trust them,” he said about Ubers.
The walk would take them an hour, but it was a walk they had made many times while growing up and were used to it. They’d undoubtedly run into others along the way.
“Don’t be a stranger, Eloise,” he said when they got to her driveway.
“I won’t be as long as you send your guests to the gallery.”
Tidal saluted her before he strode away.
Eloise stood there until he was out of sight. It would be easy to fall into a routine with Tidal or even Fraser, who was nowhere to be seen tonight. But neither of them interested her.
Kiel did.
As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was attracted to the stranger. Although, since they had swapped names, he really wasn’t that much of a stranger to her. No, he definitely was, and she planned to rectify that the next time she saw him.
Kiel had made plans for the day. That was until his dad told everyone they were going sight-seeing. It was the last thing Kiel wanted to do, but like the obedient son he was, he climbed into the backseat of the SUV and claimed his spot behind his mom.
Skyla had dubbed them all tourists for the day. Kiel suspected she said this to appease their parents and not because she enjoyed being in the cramped car. He hadn’t been paying attention until they started crossing the bridge that separated Seaport from the next island over.
“Where are we going?” he asked his parents.
“To a lighthouse.”
“Oh yippee,” Skyla muttered loud enough for Kiel and Ciara to hear.