Page 33 of The Love In Sunsets
(text format) I am. Is this you asking me out?
The chat bubble appeared. Went away. And came back.
(text format) I am. I’d like to cook for you. But there’s some place I want to show you first.
(text format) On your moped?
(text format) Unfortunately, it’s all I have.
Kiel looked around as a thought came to mind.
(text format) Where are you painting today?
(text format) Actually, I’m working at the galley.
Can I pick you up from work?
(text format) I’m done at 4!
What’s the address?
(text format) (address)
I’ll be there.
Kiel wasn’t exactly sure how. He could borrow his parent’s rental, but he wasn’t ready to tell anyone about Eloise. His sisters would surely give him shit for meeting a local, and his father would give him the “talk” even though Kiel was long past that stage in his life. He typed in the type of vehicle he wanted after remembering what Eloise had told him the day before. This would be perfect for them and something fun for the island.
He filled out the form—thankful he still had money from his previous summer jobs—and checked the time. He would need to leave the beach by three so he could shower, dress for dinner even though it was at Eloise’s house, get the rental and be there by four to pick her up. The list made him second-guess his timing. He would need to call an Uber to get to where he needed to be, even though asking his dad for a ride would be easier.
Nope, he refused.
With an alarm set and his phone put away, he turned his attention toward his family, hoping to hide his anticipation of seeing Eloise. His mom picked up another book and began reading, and like earlier, all attention was on Leona.
When the alarm sounded, Kiel startled. At some point, he had fallen asleep. He looked around and found he was on the beach by himself. His mom and Skyla stood on the edge of the surf while his dad and Ciara were deeper in the water.
Kiel stood, stretched, and gathered his things. “I’m heading in,” he yelled and waved. He regretted dozing off, even though he felt refreshed. Back at the house Kiel made his way upstairs to the bathroom. He showered, dried off, and dressed for his dinner date in the most non dating attire possible just to avoid questions.
When he came downstairs, his father was in the kitchen. “Hey,” he said when he saw his dad. “Was that news earlier about your transfer?”
Emmett nodded. “It looks like it’s going through.”
“To where?”
“Probably Norfolk.”
“Dad! That’s like, what nine hours without traffic?”
Emmett held his hand up. “I know. Believe me, none of this is ideal.”
“No, it’s not. Virginia means you’ll be home what, every couple of months?”
Emmett nodded. “That’d be my plan.”
Kiel shook his head. “Does Mom know?”
“No and I’d like to keep it that way, at least until I know for certain. It could change by tomorrow.”
Kiel scoffed. “The Navy never changes their mind for the better. Did you look at the base here? At least if you’re this close you can come home on the weekends.”