Page 46 of The Love In Sunsets
Margaux reached across the table and placed her hand on Eloise's arm. “I'm not going to lecture you, except to say, don't let a summer fling sideline your goals.”
Eloise glanced at her aunt and saw the sincerity in her eyes. “I won't.”
The only problem with that statement was Eloise had no idea what her goals were. She wanted to paint. She wanted to have her artwork hanging in galleries across the country. Across the world, even. Eloise planned to go to Italy and paint there in the fall. Australia in the winter to capture the surfers but after she went to Belgium and spent Christmas there, painting children’s shoes in front of fireplaces. There were things she wanted to do, places she wanted to capture on canvas. But there were also art programs out there that could pave her way, put her in the galleries or exhibitions.
They finished their coffee and then set off for the day. Eloise rode her moped to the beach and set up her easel. She sat there, staring at the blank canvas, trying to imagine what it'd look like with color. Her mind filled with imagines of the night before. Moments with her and Kiel that would take her art to a level she was unfamiliar with. Painting imagery of that nature was better left for her studio, not the beach.
Eloise walked across the boardwalk and rested her elbows on the railing. She looked out at the beachgoers. Children ran and screamed happily, chasing one another while parents sat under cabanas. A dad dug a hole for an umbrella and then threw his hands up in the air when it wouldn’t stand up straight. Eloise could go over and tell him he did it wrong, but it wasn't her place to give instructions. Everyone had their own ways of doing things. She smiled when he read the instructions and moved locations and then started laughing when the man spun in circles as he tried to get the corkscrew stand deep into the sand. There was definitely an easier way.
Off to the right, she spotted a surf class. Eloise used to surf when she was younger. It was something she had done with her dad. Early mornings, just as the sun would peak through the dark sky, they'd be in the water, waiting for the perfect wave. Sometimes, they'd wait for what seemed like an eternity. But when that wave came, and she rode it back to shore without falling off her board, her father was proud. He wasn't anymore. He didn't understand her desire to paint and considered it a hobby. It's why she let his calls go to voicemail and only responded to maybe one or two of his texts every other day or so.
Her mother was another story. She didn't want Eloise to move back to the states to begin with and couldn't understand why the showcase was so important when Eloise was immersed in some of the most beautiful scenery known to man. Having a piece of her art featured in her aunt's gallery was important to her. The fact that Margaux invited Eloise to the showcase meant her aunt believed in her. That in itself was important.
Eloise pushed off the railing and went back to her easel. She prepared her palette and poured water into her stained cup.
She didn't even have to look up to know that voice. A smile spread across her lips and her heart beat rapidly. “Hey,” she said as she looked up to find Kiel standing there on the other side of her easel.
Eloise wanted to say more. She wanted to ask him what he was doing there, who he was with. But the words twisted on her tongue. Every part of her wanted to jump from her seat and fall into his embrace. How would he react to public displays of affection? It didn't matter because that wasn't the type of person she was.
“It's a great beach day,” she said instead. From the look on his face, she chose her words incorrectly.
“Have you started yet?” Kiel pointed to her canvas, and she shook her head slowly. “How long will it take you?”
“A couple of hours.”
“And then you're free?”
Why did things feel awkward between them? They had an amazing night and morning, and yet, she felt like there was something in their way. She sighed, stood, and went to him. Thankfully, Kiel didn't back away. Eloise rose onto her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his lips. He kissed her right back.
“There, now I feel better,” she said when they parted.
“Now you can paint like a mad woman?”
Eloise laughed. “Possibly.”
“Am I your muse?”
She paused and thought over his words. Was he her muse? She had never had one before. “You could be.” Eloise sat back down. “Who are you here with?”
“My family.” Kiel looked over his shoulder. “They're probably wondering where the hell I ran off to.”
“You should go back,” she told him. “You don't want them to worry.”
Kiel sighed and stuck his hands into his pockets. “Do you want to hang out later?”
Eloise smiled. “Yeah, I do. Do you still have your rental?”
“Unfortunately, I returned it.” Kiel grimaced.
“The moped it is.” Eloise laughed. “There's another place I want to show you.”
“I can't wait.”
“Before you go, my friends are hanging out at this beach the locals use this weekend. Do you want to come with me?”
“I'd love to.” Kiel came forward and kissed her softly. “Mind if I come back in a bit and say hi?”