Page 61 of The Love In Sunsets
By the time it was their turn, Eloise was antsy. She feared the tour had sold out and they’d have to pick another day. She hadn’t told Kiel yet, but she needed to curb the time they spent together because she hadn’t put in enough time at the gallery and her own work, and she really wanted a piece in her aunt’s showcase. Eloise hated the thought of not seeing him every day, but she had no choice. The showcase was around the corner and if she missed her opportunity, she’d regret everything. She didn’t want to hold that against him.
They stepped up to the ticket counter and she held her breath as Kiel asked for two tickets for the whale watching tour. When the woman told him the price, Eloise exhaled. She wanted to take this tour and thought of it as a last moment together before she broke the news to him.
With their tickets in hand, they walked down the ramp to the waiting boat. Kiel held her hand as she climbed aboard and found a spot for them to sit.
“Do you know the captain?” Kiel sat down next to her. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.
“I do because we both grew up here,” she told him. “You met his brother the other night, Tidal. Dune is the oldest of the four boys.”
“I remember.” Kiel kissed her temple. “Are you okay?”
She looked at him and smiled softly. “I am.” She was, just torn up on the inside of the talk they’d need to have. Eloise was confident he’d understand.
When Dune Carter stood in front of them, she listened with rapt attention as he and his crew members showed everyone on board what to do, in case of emergency. There were rules to follow, just as don’t lean over the side unless you’re going to puke. Don’t rush from one side of the boat to the other. Make sure your camera is ready. He promised to get everyone the best shot possible. Most importantly, enjoy the adventure.
“He seems like a fun guy.”
Eloise cackled. “Oh, Dune’s the life of the party around town,” she told him. “His friends dubbed him Captain Blue Balls.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“Oh, I think you heard me.” Eloise nodded. “Captain Blue Balls,” she said a little quieter. “I think you can assume how he got that nickname.”
Kiel nodded. “Small town living.”
“At its finest. The Carter’s own a lot of places in town and they’re a well-respected family. Personally, I don’t know anyone who has issues with them. They’re very giving too. Mrs. Carter will be at the showcase. She’s one of my aunt’s biggest supporters.”
Once they were away from the dock, Dune came over and said hi to Eloise.
“This is Kiel Collier,” she said as she made introductions.
“Welcome aboard. Where ya from?” Dune asked.
“Albany,” Kiel said. “We’re here for the summer.”
“How do you like Seaport?”
Kiel looked at Eloise and then back at Dune. “I love it.”
“Happy to have you.” Dune left and made his rounds, talking to each of the guests.
“Dune seems nice.”
“He is. Everyone loves him. But like I said, I was closer to Tidal, so I heard all the big brother horror stories growing up.”
Kiel groaned. “When you meet my sisters, don’t believe a damn thing that comes out of their mouths.”
Eloise chuckled. “See that’s why I wish I had siblings—for the stories. And companionship. I don’t know, I guess I always thought having a brother or sister, I’d have someone to always talk to. I don’t have that now.”
Kiel leaned in. “You can always talk to me.”
“What if I want to talk about you?”
He blushed. “Ah, well . . . I get what you’re saying. No friends back in London?”
“Not really. Not only is it hard being the new girl in school but add foreigner on top of it. I was like a circus to some, always asking me questions about what it’s like to live here.”
“I’d probably ask the same thing,” he told her. “Of them if they moved here.”