Page 71 of The Love In Sunsets
His heart dropped. Until she continued and invited him and his family to the showcase. Margaux suggested he bring his family in an hour before the showcase was due to start so they could have a private tour of the collection. He accepted the invite, told his parents, and they were excited.
Emmett reached for Leona’s hand. “What do you think about moving to Seaport?”
All eyes were on Leona. She looked at each of her children before looking at her husband. “It looks like we’re moving.”
Instantly the girls started chatting about finding a house and how close it needed to be to the beach. Both asked for mopeds because everyone had one and they needed one.
“I’ll let my CO know this is where I’d like to be.” Emmett got up from the table and went into the other room to make the call.
“I really hate moving,” Kiel said as the realization weighed on him. The only bright side was they were moving to the beach. Although, technically, if his father was here, Kiel didn’t need to be.
When Emmett returned, he told them they’d stay in Seaport as planned. He and Leona would start looking for a house immediately, praying they’d be able to have it by September. If not, he’d call about extending their rental.
* * *
Leona insisted everyone dress up for the showcase at the gallery. The only problem with doing so was no one brought anything other than “summer” clothes with them. The five of them ventured off the island and into the city, instantly regretting the traffic they encountered and all agreeing with Ciara when she loudly proclaimed she wanted to get back to the beach and the “easy way of life” as soon as possible.
They went to the three-story mall, with all its fashionable stores, ate lunch, and each found something to wear to the opening. Skyla managed to find a few more things she just had to have, while Kiel found a dainty necklace of an artist’s palette. He bought it with intentions of giving it to Eloise, regardless of their future.
On their way back to Seaport, his nerves were on high alert with the necklace resting against black velvet and sitting on his lap. He tried not to think about it or how she’d react when he gave it to her. No, it wasn’t her reaction that scared him, it was what could be misconstrued with the intent behind it. Would she believe him when he told her it was a friendly gift? He wouldn’t believe himself if he said those words.
He sighed heavily and stared out the window at the passing scenery. Other towns, full of people going about their daily activities, none the wiser to other places near them. He thought it wild how different life was from town to town, especially as soon as they took the bridge from the island to the mainland. The lakes and inlets were quiet. No boats or people. No waves. It was like everyone went to Seaport to escape what they had in their backyard.
When they returned to their rental, they took turns showering, grateful there were two showers in the house. The twins went first because they would take the longest in getting ready. Hair and makeup took a long time when you’re a teen and trying to impress anyone. Emmett went last with Kiel and Leona in the middle of the schedule.
The family opted to eat dinner out, someplace near the gallery after the show. Kiel hoped Eloise would be able to join them, but deep down knew it would be near impossible. She had a piece in the showcase and would need to be there if anyone had questions about it. He hoped, for her sake, a piece sold. Selling a piece or even being commissioned to paint one was something Eloise strived for and was a crucial part of her achieving her dreams.
Once everyone was ready, they piled into the car and headed toward the gallery. They had to park a few blocks away and walk, but it was a nice evening. As they passed the brick marketplace, Leona told everyone she wanted a photo, and found someone to take one of the five of them. The rest were of Kiel and his sisters, and then his sisters, and then Skyla, which was typical for them.
The necklace weighed heavily in his pocket as he approached the white, double glass doors. His hand paused on the handle as he took a deep breath. This would be the first time they’d really seen each other, minus the little stalking he had done, in too many weeks to count. Kiel missed Eloise, more than he cared to admit.
Emmett placed his hand on his son’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Kiel nodded and their wordless exchange and opened the door. The smell of floral and paint greeted them, along with soft mellow music. As Kiel looked around, he saw that every painting had been covered with fabric.
Margaux greeted them, wearing a long black gown that tied at her shoulder. “Welcome,” she said as she kissed Leona and Emmett on their cheeks. “I’m Margaux Harris and this is my gallery.”
“Thank you for having us,” Emmett said. “It seems our son and your niece have hit it off.”
Skyla snickered behind her parents and Kiel glared at her.
“They have. Eloise speaks very highly of Kiel.” Margaux tilted her head slightly to look at Kiel. He blushed. They hadn’t officially met until he walked into the gallery looking for Eloise. “Now if you’ll join me.”
She turned and numerous people came out from the back, dressed in tuxedos. They went to the paintings and waited.
“I present to you the Endless Love Summer Showcase, as painted by Eloise Harris.” As if on cue, the fabric slipped away.
Kiel stepped forward, while his parents gasped. He didn’t know where to look first because each one depicted him. The Colliers. Kiel and his sisters. And then, him and Eloise.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, only to have someone slap his arm.
“Kiel is this you?” Ciara asked as she pointed to one of the paintings.
“It is.”
Kiel turned sharply at the sound of Eloise’s voice. She too was dressed in a long flowing gown. Only hers was navy blue, which contrasted perfectly with her skin tone. He rarely saw her with her hair down, and after seeing it cascading in soft waves around her shoulders, he wanted to see it this way every day. He glanced at her neck, it was bare, and the necklace he had burning a hole in his pocket would fit perfectly.
He went to her, and she smiled tenderly. “You painted me?” The question seemed redundant as soon as it came out of his mouth.
“Our time together,” she told him. “And your family’s vacation. You’re my muse, Kiel Collier.”