Page 73 of The Love In Sunsets
“Of course.” Margaux took the card and stepped behind the counter. She rang the charge and then put a SOLD sign on the painting.
“Do you think she’s going to sell more?” Kiel asked.
“Without a doubt. When those doors open, buyers are going to flock in here, expecting to find something new from me. They’re going to be surprised and then ravenous for what Eloise has created. My niece has talent, and she often hides it from people because she’s afraid no one will appreciate her work.”
“I’m in awe of her,” Ciara said.
“Me too,” added Skyla. “I saw her on the boardwalk and never thought anything of it. Just figured she was a street peddler.”
Me too.
Kiel had the same thoughts until he got to know her, until he experienced what it was like to be painted by her.
“Eloise is beyond talented. I suspect after this she’ll have her choice of schools and programs.”
Kiel’s heart sank to the floor. He wouldn’t stand in her way if she left for art school and he’d either follow or wait for her. The last thing he wanted was to give her up.
Eloise approached and thanked him. Kiel kissed her forehead. “I have another one to show you. It’s in the back.” She took his head and led him to the back room, where other paintings were stacked along the walls. “My aunt didn’t think it was appropriate to put this one out.”
Kiel’s mouth dropped open in shock. Before him, he saw himself. His back was prevalent on the canvas and with his head turned, as if he was looking at Eloise. She was there, painting him, much like she had the first night they were together.
“I have another version back at my place. It’s a bit more risqué.”
“Did you paint me?”
She bit her lower lip and nodded.
“From that first night?”
Another nod.
“It’s pretty hot, if I do say so myself.”
“Being painted,” he paused. “That was an experience I’ll never forget.”
“Maybe we can try it again?”
“Absolutely.” He leaned down and kissed her.
Eloise looked through the window at the line of people waiting to get into the gallery. They seemed eager to come in, which not only pleased her, but set her on edge. What if they didn’t like her art? Or found it lacking? Everyone was a critic these days, whether they understood art or not. Her stomach flipped and she placed her hand over it. She was about to walk away when Margaux came toward her with two men and one woman.
“Eloise, I would like for you to meet Roger Bray, Wilhelm Smith, and Melody Scott. These are the buyers I told you about.”
As coyly as possible, Eloise wiped her clammy hand on her dress and then shook each of theirs. “It’s very nice to meet you,” she said, as bile rose.
“I have to say, when Margaux showed us around, this wasn’t what I expected,” Melody said in an even tone.
Eloise’s heart sank. She wasn’t good enough. Not for them, at least. Not for the people who bought art for high society. She was good enough for Seaport though and maybe that’s all that needed to matter to her.
“I agree,” Roger stated. “To say I’m amazed would be an understatement.”
Great, now they’re pissed at Margaux.
“My clients are going to be exceptionally pleased,” Wilhelm added.