Page 75 of The Love In Sunsets
“Thank you.”
“Now, let’s mingle.” He downed his champagne and reached for her hand.
Eloise held their intertwined hands up. “Don’t let go, k?”
“I’m not going anywhere.” He winked.
Eloise stepped out into the open and her mouth dropped. The line she saw outside was nothing compared to the bodies in the gallery.
“Eloise Harris!”
She turned in time to see Pearl and Jack Carter coming her way, with Tidal hot on their heels. Pearl hugged her tightly, Jack shook her hand, and Tidal waved and nodded at Kiel. They hadn’t spoken since the night she brought Kiel to meet everyone. Even though Tidal hadn’t done anything wrong, Fraser had left her with an uncomfortable feeling. It had been her plan to steer clear of her friends until after Kiel left or maybe not at all.
“This showcase.” Pearl covered her heart. “Young love is such a beautiful thing. Isn’t it Jack?”
“Sure is,” he said. “I’m going to leave you two ladies to chat.”
With Jack gone, Tidal stepped forward and gave Eloise praise. “Just so you know, my mom already saw something she liked. That’s where Dad disappeared to. He’s off to buy it.”
“Tidal!” Pearl whacked her son on his chest.
“Ouch. It’s the truth.”
Eloise laughed. “Mrs. Carter, I’d like for you to meet Kiel Collier.”
“Oh, he’s the young man in your paintings, isn’t he?”
Eloise caught Kiel’s eyes and then smiled when he blushed. “He is,” she said without looking away. “He’s my muse.”
“What a lovely muse,” Pearl said quietly.
“What?” Pearl acted like she hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary. “Sometimes I wish I had a daughter. Then the boys wouldn’t be on me for saying things like that.”
“No worries, Mrs. Carter. I’m happy to be Eloise’s muse any time she needs one.”
“He’s so handsome,” Pearl said as she leaned closer to Eloise. “I really ought to spend more time at the beach.” Eloise and Pearl laughed.
“It’s definitely a great place for some inspiration.”
Pearl and Tidal told Eloise they’d see her around. As much as Eloise wanted to stand there all night, Kiel did his part and walked around with her. The entire time, he kept his hand on the small of her back and stood one step behind her when they spoke to people. She loved how he let her shine.
When all was said and done, Margaux deemed the night a success. She stood in the middle of her gallery, with her champagne flute held high and Eloise next to her. “I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and experiencing what I knew for a very long time—my niece is talented.” Those who stuck around, clapped. “I appreciate you,” she told them. “For the years of support and thank you for showering Eloise with the same gratitude you’ve shown me over the years.” Margaux then turned to Eloise. “To you, my sweet girl, on your first showing. It was, without a doubt in my mind, a triumph.”
“Here, here,” Kiel yelled.
Another round of applause and then someone yelled “speech.” She couldn’t be sure, but had a feeling it was Tidal, who hung around after the event ended with his parents.
Eloise inhaled deeply and addressed the small gathering. “When my aunt asked me to return to Seaport, I knew this was an opportunity I didn’t want to pass up. Having a piece in her summer showcase would’ve been an honor, but when I found out she selected every piece I had given her for submission.” Eloise paused and wiped tears from her eyes. “Well, let me just say without her, I wouldn’t have the confidence I do. Knowing my work touched her enough to change an event so important to her, there simply aren’t words. I’m grateful for her, for you, for everyone in this room. I’m especially grateful to Kiel Collier for coming up to me at the beach and introducing himself. If you haven’t figured it out by now, he’s my muse. He made painting this summer one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. Thank you.” She raised her glass and then took a drink.
Slowly, people began leaving and once Margaux locked the door, Eloise sat down on the sofa with a huff. Her feet ached, her stomach hurt. Anxiety had riddled her nerves and had kept her insides flipping around all night. If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve said she’d spent the evening jumping on a trampoline.
“Sweetie,” Margaux said as she came to her. “All but two paintings sold.”