Page 18 of What Matters Most
“What remark?”
“That you never wanted to talk to me again.” He lay down beside her on the chaise that had been previously taken by the older sunbather. “Obviously you did, or you wouldn’t have made two deliberate inspections of the pool to see if I had left.”
She should have realized Philip had stayed and watched her. That was a rookie’s trick. And Philip was a seasoned officer. Rather than argue, she lifted her glasses and turned toward him with a smug look. “I told you that seat was taken,” she said, and repositioned herself so that the back of one hand rested against her brow. “And I don’t think he’d take kindly to you lying in his place when he returns.”
“Sure he would,” Philip murmured confidently. “Otherwise I wasted ten very good dollars.”
Struggling between outrage and delight, Carla sat up. “Do you mean to say you bribed him?” Her eyes widened as he nodded cheerfully. “What do you think you’re doing, Officer Garrison? First…First you spy on me and…then…and then…” She sputtered. “You bribe the man in the chair next to me. Just how low do you plan to stoop?”
Philip yawned. “About that low.”
Carla did an admirable job of swallowing her laughter.
“I suspect you aren’t as annoyed as you’re letting on,” Philip commented.
The humor died in her eyes. “What makes you suggest that?”
“Well, you’re still here, aren’t you?”
Standing up, Carla pulled the thin cotton covering over her head. “Not for long,” she replied, and dived into the pool.
It felt marvelous. Swimming as far and for as long as she could under the aqua-blue water helped relieve some of her pent-up frustration. Finally, she surfaced and sucked in a large breath of fresh air. In the glint of the sun, her hair was decidedly red. Carla had hoped to avoid having Philip see it wet. Like everyone else, he was sure to comment on it. Swimming at night was preferable by far.
She’d barely caught her breath when Philip surfaced beside her. Treading water at his side, she offered him a tremulous smile. “I really was angry this morning. I behaved childishly to run off like that. Thank you for seeing that I got a ride back to the hotel.”
Their eyes met, and he grinned. “I know how angry you were; that’s why I didn’t follow you. But given time, I figured you’d forgive me.” His arms found her waist and brought her close to him. Their feet kicked in unison, keeping them afloat.
“I’ll forgive you on one condition,” she stated firmly, and looped her arms around his neck. “You’ve got to promise not to do that again. Please, Philip. For me, leave your police badge in your room. We’re in Mexico, and they have their own defenders of justice.”
Philip went still, and she could feel him become tense. The sparkle faded from his eyes as they darkened and became more intense. “Carla, I’ll do my best, but I can’t change who or what I am.”
Her grip around his neck relaxed, and with a sense of defeat she lowered her eyes. “But don’t you see? I can’t, either,” she murmured miserably, and her voice fell to a whisper.
His hold tightened as he brought his body intimately close to hers in the water. “But we can try.”
“What would be the use?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he said softly, and brushed aside the offending strands of wet hair from her cheek. “I can think of several things.” His lips replaced his fingers, and he blazed a trail of infinitely sweet kisses along her brow and eyes, working his way to her mouth.
For an instant, Carla was caught in the rapture of his touch, but an abrupt noise behind them brought her to her senses. Breaking free, she shook her head. “I…I don’t know, Philip. I want to think on it.”
“Okay, that sounds fair.”
He didn’t have to be so agreeable! At least he could have argued with her. With a little sigh, Carla turned away and said, “I think I’ll go to my room and lie down for a while. The sun does me in fairly easily.” She started to swim away, then rapidly changed direction and joined Philip. “I almost forgot something,” she murmured, as she covered his mouth with hers and kissed him thoroughly.
Obviously shaken, Philip blinked twice. “What was that for?” he asked, and cleared his throat.
“For not mentioning my frizzy hair or the color.”
He cocked his head, and a puzzled frown marred his brow. “There are several other things I haven’t mentioned that you may wish to thank me for.”
“Later,” she said with a small laugh.
“Definitely later.”
Amazingly, Carla did sleep most of the afternoon. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she was. The sun, having taken its toll, had faded by the time she stirred. A glance at the clock told Carla that it was dinnertime. Although she hadn’t made any arrangements to meet Philip, she knew he’d be looking for her.