Page 28 of What Matters Most
“I have something for you,” he announced casually, and pulled a small wrapped package from his coat pocket.
Astonished, Carla raised questioning eyes to Philip. “We must think alike. I’ve got something for you, too. I’d planned on giving it to you tomorrow. I didn’t want you to forget me.”
“There’s little chance of that,” he said with a wry twist of his mouth. “Go on, open it.”
Eagerly, Carla tore off the ribbon and paper and was surprised to discover it was a jewelry box. Lifting the black velvet lid, she gasped in surprised pleasure. An exquisite turquoise necklace and matching earrings lay nestled in a bed of plush velvet. The ring he’d given her earlier matched the set. “Oh Philip, you shouldn’t have.” Fresh tears misted her eyes, and she bit her bottom lip in an effort to forestall their flow. “They’re beautiful. I’ll treasure them always.”
“Would you like me to help you put it on?”
“Please.” She moved to the edge of the chair, turned, and scooped up her hair with her forearm. Deftly, Philip placed the turquoise necklace against the hollow of her throat and fastened it in place. Carla managed the earrings on her own.
When she’d finished, she searched through her purse for a tissue to wipe away the tears that clouded her vision. She had to be crazy to walk away from the most wonderful man in the world. Crazy and stupid.
“Here comes Nancy and Eduardo,” Philip announced, and stood as the introductions were being made.
The four sat together, and Carla was surprised to discover that Eduardo wasn’t anything like she recalled. Her first impression had been all wrong. The Latin good looks were in evidence, but there was a natural shyness about him, a reserve that was far more appealing than his striking good looks. When he spoke English, his Spanish inflection was barely noticeable. Carla guessed that Eduardo had traveled extensively in the United States or had lived there. But more than anything else, Carla noted the way Eduardo watched Nancy. Each time his gaze swung to her friend, his dark eyes brightened and his masculine features would soften noticeably.
Conversation among the four flowed smoothly. When it came time to leave for dinner, Eduardo told them that the hotel’s most expensive restaurant had a dining area designated especially for small private parties. The room resembled an intimate dining room, and had been reserved for them. A friend of his owned the hotel, Eduardo explained, and had given his permission for them to use this room. He led the way.
“It’s lovely,” Carla observed at first glance, impressed with the Aztec décor.
“I chose the menu myself,” Eduardo explained. “I hope you will find it to your liking.”
“I’m sure we will,” Carla murmured. If the meal was anything like the room, this would be a dinner she’d remember all her life.
Eduardo continued by naming the dishes that they would be sampling. Carla understood little Spanish, and appreciated it when Eduardo translated for her. “The food in Mexico is a combination of indigenous Indian dishes and Spanish cuisine with some Arabic and French influences.”
Carla quit counting after six courses. Replete, she settled back in her chair, her hands cupping a wineglass. “And to think none of us would be here if you two men hadn’t ordered a margarita that first night.” Almost instantly Carla realized that she’d said the wrong thing. Nancy’s eyes widened in warning, and Carla averted her gaze to the wineglass in her hand. Nancy hadn’t explained their game to Eduardo, and Carla had just stuck her foot in her mouth.
“I’m sorry?” Eduardo questioned, and a curious frown drew his thick brows together. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s nothing,” Nancy said quickly.
“Carla said something about Philip and me ordering margaritas the day we met. I’m confused.”
“Really, it’s nothing,” Nancy insisted, a desperate edge to her voice.
An uneasy silence filled the room. “Please explain,” Eduardo said stiffly. “A man doesn’t like to be the only one not in on a joke.”
“It wasn’t a joke.” Nancy avoided meeting Eduardo’s probing gaze. “It’s just that Carla and I never have any luck finding decent men, and we decided…Well, you see, we were sitting in the cocktail lounge and…” She tossed Carla a frantic glare. “You explain.”
Carla’s eyes rounded mutinously. “Nancy—Imean…we…” Good grief, she wasn’t doing any better! Silently she implored Philip to take up the task.
To Carla’s relief, Philip did exactly that, explaining at length in Spanish. Three pairs of eyes studied Eduardo, and it was easy to see that he was furious. “And whose idea was this game?” His accent became thicker with every word.
“Mine,” Nancy replied, accepting full responsibility. “But it wasn’t like you think. I would never have—”
Pushing back his chair, Eduardo stood. “This has been an enjoyable time with my American friends, but I fear I have a business engagement and must cut our evening short.”
Nancy stood up as well. “Eduardo, you can’t leave now. We must…”
Philip leaned over to Carla.
“Let’s leave these two alone to sort this out,” he whispered in her ear, and they stood.
“How could I have said anything so stupid?” Carla moaned as they left the restaurant.
“You didn’t know.”